White Max
Title:White Max
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic + Machine code
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Code by:TomHX
Notes:Walk around on a randomly generated maze, collecting items and avoiding cactii.
User Rating: 5.9/10 (4 votes)
White Max Title Screenshot

White Max Screenshot

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1Luca1,759,495Played on YAPE 1.2.5.
2Csabo39,193Played on YAPE 1.2.4.
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White Max

Physical Media
Submitted by Lacus

Facts collected from an interview:

- This was the author's first finished piece of software, development took about 2 months. This included learning how to program the machine.
- The gameplay is borrowed from a VIC-20 game called Black Max.
- White Max was commercially sold by "Inter GM" (a firm in Kaposvar, Hungary), for around 200-300 HUF. The author received a one-time compensation of around 8000 HUF.
- The music (La Marseillaise) was chosen "at random": the author knew that by heart and he needed some music.
- Development was done on a monochrome monitor, which explains the somewhat odd and occasionally hard to see colors.

Gameplay rules:

To pass each level you must collect:
- at least 6 BRICKS (tégla)
- at least 4 MEN (ember)
- at least 1 BOMB (bomba)

At the end of each level, bonus multipliers can be earned:
- collecting 7 or more WALLS (fal) gives a 2X multiplier
- collecting exactly 6 BOXES (doboz) gives a 3X multiplier
- collecting exactly 10 BRICKS (tégla) gives a 4x multiplier
- collecting 8 or more BOMBS (bombs) gives a 7X multiplier

The game finishes under two circumstances: when the time ticks out, and when all the bombs are out due to their explosion one by one. Here follow the causes which can perturb those two events:
- catching a cactus does also subtract a variable amount of remaining time; basically, whichever the time was X before catching a cactus, it becomes (X-1):600;
- bombs explode one by one, in an increasingly shorter period of time as the level increases; their collection is considered valid only if they are about to explode, otherwise the disadvantageous result is to shorten the time in which all the bombs have exploded.

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