| Volcano Of Raka-Tua +4 | Title: | Volcano Of Raka-Tua +4 | Category: | Game/Adventure | Release Date: | 2004-08-30 | Language: | English | Size: | 64K | Machine: | PAL & NTSC | Code Type: | AustroSpeed | Distribution: | Freeware | Game ending type: | Has an end, game ends | |  | Released by: | Legion Of Doom (LOD) | Converted by: | Csabo | Notes: | Mountain Valley Adventure #10. |
External links: C64 release
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| Solutions - Complete | Here is the complete solution by MCG:
(Start in the main square of the town) LOOK STATUE (it's a statue of Blind Ben, who tamed the volcano and trapped the lava creatures deep inside the mountain) N (on the road to the volcano) GO HUT LOOK SHELVES (Matches) GET MATCHES LOOK PIANO (very dusty) MOVE PIANO (Pen) GET PEN E S GO HOTEL (in the lobby of the Raka-Tua Hotel) READ SIGN (registered guests only upstairs) GO COUNTER RING BELL LOOK BOOK (the hotel guest book) READ BOOK (lots of signatures) SIGN BOOK (can now go upstairs) DROP PEN W U (in an upstairs bedroom) READ SIGN MOVE BED (Dynamite) GET DYNAMITE (open the wardrobe later) D E N READ SIGN (Raka-Tua National Park - Please do not feed the monsters) N (at the foot of the volcano) READ SIGN (stairway to sacrifice) MOVE ROCKS (Shovel) GET SHOVEL LOOK DYNAMITE (has a three move timer) DROP DYNAMITE SET TIMER (it's ticking) U (top of steps) GET PLANK LOOK POOL (hear a loud explosion) D (now see a tunnel) GO TUNNEL N N (in a long narrow tunnel) MOVE ROCKS (Key) GET KEY S S S S S (in the main square of the town) GO HOTEL U (bedroom) OPEN WARDROBE (using key) LOOK WARDROBE (Hammer) GET HAMMER DROP KEY D E GO JAIL LOOK DESK (Roll of tape) GET TAPE W N N GO TUNNEL N N N (at the edge of a deep lava flow) JUMP LAVA (on the far side of the lava flow) MOVE ROCK (find a magnet) TAPE MIRROR (to prevent it breaking into tiny pieces) BREAK MIRROR (using hammer - it breaks safely revealing an opening) DROP HAMMER DROP TAPE GO OPENING (in a large warm cave where you see the lava creature) LOOK CREATURE (not too unfriendly and says he hasn't seen a human for years, ever since Blind Ben sealed him inside the mountain… he says he will help you but first you must make a sacrifice) MOVE BOX (Crowbar) GET CROWBAR S JUMP LAVA S S S S S S S (on a beach) DIG DIG DIG GO HOLE DIG DIG DIG (you uncover a layer of wooden boards) REMOVE BOARDS (using crowbar) DROP CROWBAR DIG DIG (Statuette) GET STATUETTE U (back to beach) N N N U (at the top of the steps) THROW STATUETTE (it falls into the sacrificial pool) D GO TUNNEL N N N JUMP LAVA GO OPENING (the lid of the green box is now open) LOOK BOX (*Gold coin*) GET COIN (gold) S JUMP LAVA S S S S S S (in the main square of the town) GO HOTEL MOVE SOFA (Tongs) GET TONGS E N N GO TUNNEL N N N JUMP LAVA GO OPENING N (in the cave of fire) LOOK LAVA (see a hacksaw floating in the lava) GET HACKSAW (using tongs) DROP TONGS S S GET MAGNET JUMP LAVA S S S S S S S (on a beach) D (into hole) DIG DIG DIG (you uncover a metal grill) REMOVE GRILL (using hacksaw) DROP HACKSAW DIG DIG DIG (Pearl, note do not dig any more) GET PEARL DROP SHOVEL U (beach) N GO JAIL LOOK DOOR (bolted on the inside) OPEN DOOR (using magnet to slide the bolt) DROP MAGNET GO DOOR (cell) READ SIGN (drop treasures here) DROP PEARL DROP COIN MOVE BENCH (Lens) GET LENS S W GO HOTEL U GET KEY D GO COUNTER (notice that a packet has been delivered) GET PACKET LOOK PACKET (label says monster munchies) DROP PACKET (it is a red herring) OPEN REGISTER (using key) LOOK REGISTER (Screwdriver) GET SCREWDRIVER DROP KEY W E N N GO TUNNEL N N N JUMP LAVA GO OPENING N W (in front of a huge carved face) PUT PLANK (in the open mouth which prevents it from closing before you can leave - note make sure you are carrying the lens and screwdriver as you only have one chance) GO MOUTH (cave inside the mouth… the walls rumble) READ PLAQUE (you use the lens to magnify the markings - there is just one word ZOIC) LOOK SKELETON (a dead adventurer) MOVE SKELETON (Knife) GET KNIFE REMOVE PLAQUE (using screwdriver - you find a small niche in the wall) LOOK NICHE (*Diamond*) GET DIAMOND S (on the way out you dislodge the plank and the mouth slams shut) E S S JUMP LAVA S S S S S S GO HOTEL CUT SOFA (*Gold bar*, using knife) GET BAR (gold) E GO JAIL GO DOOR (cell) DROP BAR DROP DIAMOND S W N N GO TUNNEL N N N JUMP LAVA GO OPENING LOOK CREATURE (the statue's heart is what you seek, the word on the plaque the one to speak) N GET TONGS S S JUMP LAVA S S S S S S (in the main square of the town) SAY ZOIC (a hollow opens in the statue) LOOK HOLLOW (there is a ruby and a deadly scorpion) GET RUBY (using the tongs to avoid the scorpion) GO JAIL GO DOOR DROP RUBY
...And C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! You've stored all five treasures.
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