[ HELP ] PRISE DOOR (it pops open) DROP BAR [ LOOK PAPER ] (tells you that the safe combination is the atomic numbers) DROP PAPER GO DOOR E BREAK STATUE (you find a medallion) LOOK MEDALLION (gives you LEAD A# 82) N LOOK TABLE (gives hint: OTKK ENTQ = PULL FOUR (hooks, that is)) N, W, S, W GET RUG (you find a token) DROP RUG LOOK TOKEN (gives you ZINC A# 30) E, N, W, N PULL HOOK (you see a compartment) LOOK COMPARTMENT (you find a coin) GET COIN LOOK COIN (gives you ALUMINIUM A# 13) DROP COIN S, E, S, S, W [ HELP ] MOVE CABINET (you see a safe) OPEN SAFE (combination is the three atomic numbers, arranged by the first letter of the element) 13/82/30 (safe opens and you find a notebook and a key) LOOK NOTEBOOK (gives hint: KSED KCIK -> KICK DESK) GET KEY E, N, N, N KICK DESK (you find a hidden passage) N, E, N, E, S, S, S LOOK SLOT (gives hint: HMRDQS JDX EHQRS -> INSERT KEY FIRST) INSERT KEY GET DIAMOND (now let's get out of here) N, N, W, W, S, S, S, S, S SCORE