Plus/4 XL
Title:Plus/4 XL
Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk only (2 sides)
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
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Code by:siz
Additional code by:Murphy
Additional code by:LBM
Additional code by:BSZ
Additional code by:TCFS
Additional code by:TRP
Additional code by:Visage
Additional code by:edhellon
Additional code by:Xentrix
Additional code by:Oswald
Additional code by:Rachy
Additional code by:Schedar
Additional graphics by:Grass
Additional graphics by:Chronos
Additional graphics by:Shine
Additional graphics by:Unreal
Additional graphics by:Jeva
Additional music by:Csabo
Additional music by:5tarbuck
Notes:A cooperation demo celebrating the 40th birthday of the Commodore Plus/4.
  External links:
    YouTube Video (Live)
    YouTube Video

User Rating: 9.4/10 (16 votes)
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Plus/4 XL Screenshot

Plus/4 XL (Part 1)
Plus/4 XL
Plus/4 XL (Part 2)

Árok 2024Demo Compo1320

Image Gallery
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #1
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #2
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #3
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #4
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #5
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #6
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #7
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #8
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #9
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #10
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #11
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #12
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #13
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #14
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #15
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #16
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #17
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #18
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #19
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #20
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #21
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #22
Plus/4 XL Screenshot #23

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