Lake Camping
Title:Lake Camping
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
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Released by:Fantastic Italian Research Enterprise (FIRE)
Graphics by:Luca
User Rating: 9.6/10 (3 votes)
Lake Camping Screenshot

Árok 2022Graphics Competition8214

L a k e C a m p i n g
A Commodore 16 hires bitmap by Luca/FIRE, presented at Árok Party 2022.

Best viewed on a CRT monitor. If the necessary hardware is missing, a
good compromise can be the use of the YAPE emulator set with the
following parameters: OpenGL driver, measured HUEs as palette, double
scan, CRT emulation, minimum 300% windows size.

The subject of "Lake Camping" doesn't come as an original idea by me:
somewhere on the internet, I have seen a pixel art showing the same
basic elements – mountains, water (sea? lake?), tent, cauldron – so I've
basically copied those subjects barely in the same disposition (see
workstage 1). That served as starting point to add all the original
material – cliff, sea, rocks... –. During the last days when I've
managed to finish the hires, I searched back the original, in order to
cite its author as the native source of Lake Camping, sadly discovering
that it has arguably been retired from the repository site where I've
managed to find it: all my attempts to spot it in the meanders of the
net did fail.

Lake Camping WIP

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