International Karate
Title:International Karate
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Product Code:ECB 010
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Released by:Endurance Games
Code by:Delves, Mike
Cracked by:Floppy Robby
  External links:
    ZX Spectrum release
    C64 release
    Amstrad CPC release
    Atari 8bit release
    MSX release
    Atari ST release
    Amiga release
    Atari 130 XE conversion

User Rating: 4.5/10 (11 votes)
International Karate Title Screenshot

International Karate Screenshot

Game Endings
This game has a broken ending.

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Original releaseEndurance Games1986CommercialECB 010CassetteDouble caseUnspecified5
1 found.

Hall Of Fame
This list is kept for historical reasons, but submitting new scores for this game is discouraged.
Luca5,200Tape version, played on YAPE 1.1.5.

Derived Software
Karate Kid I (Byte Games 23)
Karate Kid II (Byte Games 23)
Karate Kid III (Byte Games 23)
Karate Kid IV (Byte Games 23)
Ninja (C16/MSX 16)

Review: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 2 Issue 2 (Magazine/English) pg. 10
Review: Compute Mit SA 2/87 (Magazine/German) pg. 12
Review: Commodore User 39 (Magazine/English) pg. 83
News: Aktueller Softwar... 1/1987 (Magazine/German) pg. 64
News: RUN (German) 11/1987 (Magazine/German) pg. 130
Review: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 1 Issue 6 (Magazine/English) pg. 19
Advertisement: HC Mein Home-Comp... 10/86 (Magazine/German) pg. 9
Review: Computer Gamer 20 (Magazine/English) pg. 30

Cassette Cover
Cassette Cover
[Front] [Back]
Back Cover Instructions 1
Back Cover Instructions 1
Back Cover Instructions 2
Back Cover Instructions 2


Physical Media
Cassette (Alternative)
Cassette (Alternative)

Image Gallery
International Karate Screenshot #1
International Karate Screenshot #2
International Karate Screenshot #3
International Karate Screenshot #4
International Karate Screenshot #5
International Karate Screenshot #6
International Karate Screenshot #7
International Karate Screenshot #8
International Karate Screenshot #9
International Karate Screenshot #10

Bugs And Oddities
The C16 version of this game has several flaws and other problems. Here's a list of the most notable ones:

- any time a new location is loaded, the players' scores are reset;

- the game has a bug which prevents finishing the 1 Player mode: the opponent guided by the computer can't be hit;

- in 1 Player mode, the 3rd location (Bangkok) is considered resolved when Computer (Player 1) wins;

- the several rules of Player Vs. Computer and Player Vs. Player are quite confusing and generally don't follow the instructions;

- the Two Players mode has a different screens sequence, with screens 2 and 3 swapped;

- in Two Players mode, the Bangkok location has inverted background and border color;

- the cited sub-game about dodging flying objects is completely missing from the C16 version.

Preview Screen

There's a preview screen printed on the news page in Aktueller Software Markt 01/1987, announcing the forthcoming C16 version. The sprites and the disposition of the screen's elements indicate it's actually the C16 version, but the Abu Simbel themed background in the screenshot has never been included in the released version. Moreover, the two sprites are differently coloured, and Player 1 and Player 2 are named White and Red. The judge's graphics is different too.

Checking the cassette cover, this picture has been reported on the back, in a bunch of four of them, with the phrase "actual C16 screen shots" printed on, justifying the suspect about a different prerelease version, changed in the very last time before the official release.

A Chinese Curiosity
The Chinese stage represented in the versions that use the hires graphics (originally ZX Spectrum, then converted for C16 and MSX) is directly taken from the famous Willow pattern, (also known as "Blue willow" in Northern American countries), a chinoiserie pattern used on ceramic kitchen/housewares which became popular at the end of the 18th century in England.

Many different Chinese-inspired landscape patterns were at first produced in this way, both on bone china or porcellanous wares, and on white earthenware or pearlware. The Willow pattern became the most popular and persistent of them, and in various permutations has remained in production to the present day.

In order to promote sales of Minton's Willow pattern, various stories were invented based on the elements of the design. The most famous story includes all the elements which have been represented in the original drawing, and they never change in all the derivative products both in UK and foreign countries. The C16 version has needed to cut apart some of the elements of the original ZX Spectrum graphics in order to fit into the limited memory.

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>3C93 60
Hitting Player1 does not affect (levels 1 and 2)
>3C92 60
Hitting Player1 does not affect (level 3)
>3C15 60
Invulnerability Player1 (level 1)
>3C17 60
Invulnerability Player1 (level 2)
>3C0C 60
Invulnerability Player1 (level 3)
>3BF3 60
Invulnerability Player1 (level 4)
>211F 07
Fix level 4 bug

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