Description | Move the main character with Cursor Keys, exit to Monitor with Esc.
A description of this game preview has been briefly published in Lone News 18, an improved description based on the former follows below:
Game/arcade adventure inspired from the Amiga point-and-click adventure game Future Wars: Time Travellers (Palace Software, 1989), with code by Steve/SCN and graphics by Unreal/MX, as natural following of the cooperation as seen for Silence megademo. This demo preview shows the main sprite, moving along one single pretty nice bitmap screen. Moving into the environment, it is possible to check how the sprite moves into the environment considering the assigned objects' overlapping. This is the first one of the five screens as expected by designing the whole game on paper. This project has been started in 1993, under request of Nukeman, in order to have this game to be distributed in Germany.
Unreal has recovered the work in progress picture which was considered as a candidate for the titles.
The game included one fullscreen picture, picked from a bunch of 5 finished arts by Unreal. Unfortunately, He'd lost the disk with all of them at a party in Szeged, and nobody had success in finding it back. Even these lost pictures were copied from Future Wars: Time Travellers.
