| Dizzy Prince Of The Yolkfolk | |
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| Solutions - Complete | Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk
by Reuben Cornwall
notes : collect all 20 cherries and give them to daisy at the end of the game to complete the game
the magic carpet the potion and bread are all red-herrings
From the start get the "leaves" "matches" and "jug of water" then place the "leaves" at the base of the door and use the "matches" to burn down the door and use the "jug of water" to put out the fire then go left left get the "pickaxe" go right right right and get the "cage" go right get the "diy bridge kit" from the cloud and go down and use the "pickaxe" next to the rocks then drop the "pickaxe" and go left up and get "nugget" go down right right right and talk to ferryman he will take the "nugget" go right drop the "cage" naxt to "fluffle" go up & right and goto the right hand ledge and jump left and drop the "diy bridge kit" go up and jump over to the towers and get "harp" go left left up up left jump on cloud and jump left and give "harp" to "st peter" and get "cheese" jump right and drop "cheese" in "cage" then get "caged fluffle" and go left left left up left left left left and drop "caged fluffle" on rocks and then go left up right and get "outboard motor" go left up left up right get "key" and go left down right down right right right right right down right right and give "outboard motor" to the "ferryman" and get the "scythe" and go right up up and jump over to the towers and drop the "scythe" next to the spikey bush and go right get the "bugle" and go up left up right right right up and use "key" to open door then drop the "key" and go down up left left left get the "tweezers" and go right right right down left left left down right down left left left left left left left up left and use "tweezers" on "lions" foot and get "thorn" then drop "bugle" and go right down right right right up up and jump over to the towers and go right up left up right right right up and left and drop "thorn" on the left of the screen then go right down and left get "spanner" and go left left down right down and left left left left left left up left and get the "bugle" and go left left give "bugle" to "bugler" and get the "joke book" go left left up left left and use "spanner" on the drawbridge mechanism and go right right down left left left give "joke book" to princess and get the "flag" and go right right right up left up and drop "flag" next to flagpole and talk to "bugler" and talk to "king" then go down right down right right right right right down right right right up up and jump over to the towers and go right up left up right right right up and kiss "daisy" to complete the game.
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| Instructions | Joystick in any port. BEWARE! There's a bug which doesn't allow to keep on screen the inventory window by pressing fire!
Keyboard | | Return | Pick up and drop item / Talks | Space | Jump | Z | Walk left / Select item up in inventory | X | Walk right / Select item down in inventory | P | Pause | Q | Exit |
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