A Hős Lovag (Fixed) (The Heroic Knight)
Title:A Hős Lovag (Fixed) (The Heroic Knight)
Original version:A Hős Lovag
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Cracked by:TomHX
Notes:Cracked and fixed version. According to TomHX, the original has a bug that makes the game impossible to finish. This is not the case, see below. Excluded from voting, please vote for the original.
A Hős Lovag (Fixed) Title Screenshot

A Hős Lovag (Fixed) Screenshot

Solutions - Complete
This release was done to fix a bug that was though to make the impossible to complete. The issue is that when you enter the dragon's cave, it hits you, even if it's pinned down by the boulder. This is by design though, and the original version can be successfully completed if the player wears the armor.

In this fixed version that's not necessary though, which leads to the shorter solution below.

fog bot
ki, k,
fog kõ
k, ugrik, é
üt pók (+5%, kapsz egy sípot)
d, k, d, ny, ny,
húz fuldokló (+5%, kapsz egy kulcsot)
k, d, k, d, ny
fog ásó
k, d, be
fúj síp (+5%)
fog életvíz
ki, é, é, k
ás (+5%)
fog ládikó
nyit ládikó (+5%, arany)
ny, ny, é, k, é, k
fog kismadárka
letesz kismadárka (+5%, gyûrû)
le, k
vesz kard (+5%)
k, d
dob kõ (+5%)
visel gyûrû (+5%)
fel, k
mozdít szikla (+5%)
ny, d, k
öl sárkány (+5%)
használ életvíz (+5%)
k, d, ny, é, ny, é, fel (+30% = total 90%)

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