Publications - Book |
Danish |
 | Lav dine egne Computer-eventyr med BASIC (Make Your Own Computer Adventure with BASIC) | 1985-07 | |
Dutch |
 | Dus Med Commodore 64/Plus-4 | 1984 | |
 | Het Grote Floppy-boek (The great floppy book) | 1984 | |
 | Van Start Met De C-16 In BASIC 3.5 (First Steps In BASIC 3.5 With The C16) | 1984-11 | |
 | Werken Met De Commodore Disk Drive (Working With The Commodore Disk Drive) | 1986 | |
English |
 | 100 Programs For The Commodore 16 | 1985-09 | |
 | An Introduction To Programming The Commodore C16 and Plus 4 | 1985-07 | |
 | Back Into The Storm | 2021-07-18 | |
 | Basic Programming For The Commodore Plus/4 And Commodore 16 (Micropower Series) | 1985-03 | |
 | Beginner's Micro Guides: Commodore 16 | 1985 | |
 | Beginning Programming Using Retro Computing | 2018-12-11 | |
 | Blast Annual 2020 | 2020-09-28 | Volume 1 |
 | Blast Annual 2020 | 2020-11-23 | Volume 2 |
 | C16 and PLUS/4 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE | 1985 | |
 | C16 Machine Language For The Absolute Beginner | 1985-04 | |
 | C16/Plus4 Reference Book | 1986-08 | |
 | Celebrities Book Of Games | 1985-06 | |
 | Commodore 16 Exposed | 1985-04 | |
 | Commodore 16 Games Book | 1984-10 | |
 | Commodore 16 Machine Code | 1984 | |
 | Commodore 16 User's Manual (Commodore 16 User Manual) | 1985 | |
 | Commodore C16 Book 1: Starting Basic | 1985-05 | |
 | Commodore Plus/4 Machine Code | 1984 | |
 | Easy Programming: Commodore 16 | 1984-11 | |
 | Gateway To Computing With The Commodore 16, Book 1 | 1984 | |
 | Gateway to Computing With The Commodore 16, Book 2 | 1984 | |
 | Getting More From Your Commodore Plus/4 | 1985-03 | |
 | Island Of Secrets | Unknown | |
 | Lou Sander's Tips and Tricks for Commodore Computers | 1989 | |
 | Machine Language for the Commodore 64 and other Commodore computers | 1984 | |
 | Machine Language for the Commodore 64, 128, and other Commodore computers | 1986 | |
 | Plus/4 Magic for Beginners | 1985 | |
 | Practical Interfacing Projects With Commodore Computers | 1985 | |
 | Programmer's Reference Guide For The Commodore 16 | 1985-06-01 | |
 | Programmer's Reference Guide For The Commodore Plus/4 | 1986-02 | |
 | Retro Gamer Collection | 2013 | Volume 7 |
 | Sams Computerfacts CC8: Commodore 16 | 1984-12 | |
 | Sams Computerfacts CC9: Commodore Plus/4 | 1985-01 | |
 | The Adventurer's Notebook | 1984 | |
 | The Commodore 16 Games Book | 1985-02-21 | |
 | The Commodore C16/Plus4 Companion | 1984-12 | |
 | The Commodore Plus 4 Book | 1985 | |
 | The Complete Commodore 16 ROM Disassembly | 1985-11-07 | |
 | The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology | 1985-03 | |
 | The Cuthbert Chronicle | Unknown | Vol. 1 No 5 |
 | The Games Machine | 1988-06 | 07 |
 | The Mystery Of Silver Mountain | Unknown | |
 | The Working Commodore C16 | 1984 | |
 | Using The Commodore 16 | 1986-01 | |
 | Writing BASIC adventure programs for the TRS-80 | 1982 | |
Finnish |
 | Commodore 16 Työkaluna | 1985 | |
German |
 | Alles Über Den C16/C116 (Everything About The C16/C116) | 1986 | |
 | Alles Über Den Plus/4 (Everything About The Plus/4) | 1986 | |
 | C16 C116 Plus/4 Maschinensprache (C16 C116 Plus/4 Machine Language) | 1987 | |
 | C16 Für Einsteiger (C16 For Beginners) | 1985 | |
 | C16 Tips & Tricks | 1986 | |
 | C16, C116 Und Plus/4 ROM-Listing (C16, C116 And Plus/4 ROM-Listing) | 1987 | |
 | Commodore 116, 16, Plus/4 BASIC Wegweiser (Commodore 116, 16, Plus/4 BASIC Guide) | 1985 | |
 | Commodore 16 Mit 116 | 1985 | |
 | Commodore Plus/4 ROM-LISTING | 1984 | |
 | Commodore Plus/4 Tips & Tricks | 1986 | |
 | Das Basic-Buch Zu C16 / C116 / Plus/4 (The Basic Book For C16 / C116 / Plus/4) | 1986 | |
 | Das Grafik-Buch Zu C16 / C116 / Plus/4 (The Graphics-Book For C16 / C116 / Plus/4) | 1987 | |
 | Das Große C-16 Buch (The Big C-16 Book) | 1986-03 | |
 | Das Große Plus/4 Buch (The Big Plus/4 Book) | 1986-11 | |
 | Der Commodore 16 In Der Praxis (Commodore Sachbuchreihe Band 18) | 1985 | |
 | Der Data Becker Führer Commodore C16, C116, Plus/4 | 1987 | |
 | Effektiv Und Kreativ Mit Dem Commodore Plus/4 | 1985 | |
 | Lerne Basic Mit Dem Commodore 116/16/Plus4 (Learn Basic With The Commodore 116/16/Plus4) | 1985 | |
 | Maschinenorientierte C64-Programmierung (Machine-oriented C64 Programming) | 1985 | |
 | Maschinensprache für Einsteiger (Machine Language for Beginners) | 1986 | |
 | ROM-LISTING für den Commodore C4+ C16 und C116 | 1984 | |
Hungarian |
 | 100+4 | 1987 | |
 | 100+4/2 | 1988 | |
 | 100+4/3 (Games And User Programs) | 1989 | |
 | 1000 Kérdés A Tudományok Világából (1000 Questions From the World of Science) | 1998 | |
 | A C16 És Plus/4 Az Általános Iskolai Fizikatanításban ((Using) The C16 And Plus/4 For Teaching Elementary School Physics) | 1986 | |
 | A Commodore 16-os Belső Felépítése (Commodore 16 Internals) | 1986 | |
 | A COMMODORE-16 rövid áttekintése (A brief overview of the COMMODORE-16) | 1985 | |
 | A Kalandprogram Írásának Rejtelmei (The Mysteries of Writing Adventure Programs) | 1986 | |
 | A számítógép és környezete (The computer and its surroundings) | 1988 | |
 | Adatkezelés számítógéppel C 16-ra és C Plus/4-re | 1988 | |
 | Assembly és gépi szintű programozás Commodore 16, Plus/4 számítógépen | 1991 | |
 | Basic Tanácsadó C-16 Plus/4 (Basic Consultant C-16 Plus/4) | 1987 | |
 | Bevezetés A Basic Nyelvbe (Introduction To The Basic Language) | 1986 | |
 | Bevezetés a Commodore Plus/4-es gépi kódú programozásába I. (Introduction to Commodore Plus/4 machine code programming I.) | 1989 | |
 | C-16, Plus 4 Basic | 1989 | |
 | Commodore 16 1 2 3 | 1985 | |
 | Commodore 16 Programozói Zsebkönyv (Commodore 16 Programmer's Handbook) | 1987 | |
 | Commodore C-16 BASIC és felhasználói kézikönyv (Commodore C-16 BASIC and User Manual) | 1985 | |
 | Commodore Plus/4 Programozói Zsebkönyv (Commodore Plus/4 Programmer's Handbook) | 1986 | |
 | Commodore Plus4 C16 C116 BASIC és felhasználói kézikönyv (Commodore Plus4 C16 C116 BASIC and User Manual) | 1988 | |
 | Commodore ROM Lista Plus 4, C16, C116 (Commodore ROM List) | 1986 | |
 | Csupa Játék C-16-ra (All Games For C-16) | 1987 | |
 | Csupa Szuper Játék C-16, C-Plus/4, C-116 Számítógépekre (All Super Games for C-16, C-Plus/4, C-116 Computers) | 1989 | |
 | DELTEX szövegszerkesztő család dokumentáció (DELTEX word processing family documentation) | 1988 | |
 | Fejezetek a Commodore Plus/4-es gépi kódú programozásából (Chapters from Commodore Plus/4 machine code programming) | 1990 | |
 | Feladatgyűjtemény C 16-os számítógéphez általános iskolásoknak (Workbook For Commodore 16 Computers For Elementary School) | 1986 | |
 | Gépi Kódú Programozás Kezdőknek és Haladóknak (Machine Code Programming) | 1987 | |
 | Hangkeltés C 16-os (és C Plus/4-es) számítógéppel (Sound creation with a C 16 (and C Plus/4) computer) | 1988 | |
 | Hetedhét Commodore Plus/4 | 1986 | |
 | Ismerd meg a Basic nyelvjárásait! (Learn Basic dialects!) | 1989 | |
 | Mikroszámítógépes oktatóprogramok készítése és alkalmazása (Programming and Application of Educational Programmes on Microcomputers) | 1988 | |
 | Novotrade Katalógus | 1988 | |
 | Novotrade Katalógus '89 | 1989 | |
 | PLUS/4 Belső Felépítése (PLUS/4 Internals) | 1988 | |
 | Plus/4 Kézikönyv az összes tudnivalóval (Plus/4 Handbook With All The Knowledge) | 1989 | |
 | Programmodulok (Program Modules) | 1988 | |
 | Rendszerváltozók és I/O címek (System variables and I/O addresses) | 1986 | |
 | Számítógépek Összekapcsolása, Helyi Oktatóhálozatok (Connecting Computers, Local Educational Networks) | 1988 | |
 | Számítógépes fogások, trükkök C 16-ra és C Plus/4-re (Computer tips, tricks for C 16 and C Plus/4) | Unknown | |
 | Számítógépes grafika C 16-on és C Plus/4-en (Computer graphics on C16 and C Plus/4) | 1988 | |
 | Szövegfeldolgozás számítógéppel (Word processing with computers) | 1987 | |
 | Tanári segédkönyv | 1986 | |
Italian |
 | 24 Ore Basic (24 Hours Basic) | 1985 | |
 | 62 Programmi Per Il Vic20, C16, Plus4 (62 Programs For The Vic20, C16, Plus4) | 1985-04 | I Libri di Systems Anno 2 n.3 |
 | 90° Minuto C16 (90th Minute C16 ) | 1985 | |
 | A casa e a scuola con il Commodore 16 (At home and at school with the Commodore 16) | 1985 | |
 | Budget Familiare Per Il C16 (Family Budget For The C16) | 1986 | |
 | Come usare il tuo Commodore 16 (How to use your Commodore 16) | Unknown | |
 | Commodore 16 Il Libro Dei Giochi (Commodore 16 Games Book) | 1985 | |
 | Commodore 16 Manuale D'Uso (Commodore 16 User's Manual) | 1985 | |
 | Commodore 16 Per Te (Commodore 16 For You) | 1985 | |
 | Commodore 16 Sempre Di Più (Commodore 16 Even More) | 1985-08 | |
 | Commodore C16 | 1985-06 | |
 | Commodore C16: Verso il Futuro Retro (Commodore C16: Towards the Retro Future) | 2024-07-31 | |
 | Commodore Plus/4 Guida All'Uso | 1985 | |
 | Corso Di Basic Con Esercitazioni Pratiche Sul C16 (BASIC Course With Practical Tutorials On C16) | 1985-09 | |
 | Educazione Stradale | Unknown | |
 | Essenziali E Routine (Essentials And Routines) | 1985-04 | |
 | Grafici Di Funzioni Con Il C64, Il Plus4 E Il C16 (Function Graphics With C64, Plus4 And C16) | 1985 | |
 | Guida Al Commodore Plus/4 (Guide For Commodore Plus/4) | 1985-12 | |
 | I Commodore C64-Plus4-C16 (Commodore C64-Plus4-C16: Features And Employment For The Most Spreaded Home's) | 1986-03 | |
 | I Miei Amici C16 & Plus4 (My Friends C16 & Plus4) | 1986-01 | I Libri di Systems 2-8 |
 | I Tuoi Amici Commodore 16 E Plus4 (Your Friends Commodore 16 And Plus4) | 1985-06 | |
 | Il Libro Dei Giochi Per Commodore 16 E Plus/4 (The Book Of Games For Commodore 16 And Plus/4) | 1985 | |
 | Introduzione Al Basic - Parte 1 (An Introduction To Basic - Part 1) | 1984 | |
 | L'ABC Del Linguaggio Macchina Per Il C16 (The Machine Language's ABC For The C16) | 1985-10 | |
 | Lavoriamo Con Il Commodore 16 (Let's Work With The Commodore 16) | Unknown | |
 | Linguaggio Macchina Per Il C16 (Machine Language For C16) | 1986-06 | |
 | Programmi Per C16 (Programs For C16) | 1986-05 | |
 | Simulazioni e test per la didattica (Simulations and tests for teaching) | 1985 | |
Spanish |
 | C16 Para Principiantes (C16 For Beginners) | 1986 | |
 | Como Programar Su Sigma Commodore 16 (How To Program on Sigma Commodore 16) | 1986 | |
 | Drean Commodore 16 Curso De Basic 1 (Drean Commodore 16 Basic Course 1) | Unknown | |
 | Introducción Al Basic Sigma Commodore 16 Parte I (Introduction To Commodore 16 Sigma Basic Part I) | Unknown | |
 | Introduccion Al Codigo Maquina Del Commodore 16 (Introduction to Commodore 16 Machine Language) | 1986 | |
Swedish |
 | PersonDatorn (Personal Computer) | 1984-11 | Nr 8 |
148 found. |