Simple listingThumbnailsDetailed listing

Publications - Book
3890903851Alles Über Den C16/C116 (Everything About The C16/C116)1986
3890904106Alles Über Den Plus/4 (Everything About The Plus/4)1986Hardcover
3890112064C16 C116 Plus/4 Maschinensprache (C16 C116 Plus/4 Machine Language)1987
3890110681C16 Für Einsteiger (C16 For Beginners)1985Paperback
3890111688C16 Tips & Tricks1986
3890904254C16, C116 Und Plus/4 ROM-Listing (C16, C116 And Plus/4 ROM-Listing)1987
3528043377Commodore 116, 16, Plus/4 BASIC Wegweiser (Commodore 116, 16, Plus/4 BASIC Guide)1985
3470804818Commodore 16 Mit 1161985Paperback
3891330065Commodore Plus/4 ROM-LISTING1984Paperback
389011203XCommodore Plus/4 Tips & Tricks1986
3890112048Das Basic-Buch Zu C16 / C116 / Plus/4 (The Basic Book For C16 / C116 / Plus/4)1986
3890112056Das Grafik-Buch Zu C16 / C116 / Plus/4 (The Graphics-Book For C16 / C116 / Plus/4)1987
n/aDas Große C-16 Buch (The Big C-16 Book)1986-03
389011????Das Große Plus/4 Buch (The Big Plus/4 Book)1986-11
3891330189Der Commodore 16 In Der Praxis (Commodore Sachbuchreihe Band 18)1985
3890114059Der Data Becker Führer Commodore C16, C116, Plus/41987
3890110738Effektiv Und Kreativ Mit Dem Commodore Plus/41985
3886400263Lerne Basic Mit Dem Commodore 116/16/Plus4 (Learn Basic With The Commodore 116/16/Plus4)1985Paperback
3-446-14378-5Maschinenorientierte C64-Programmierung (Machine-oriented C64 Programming)1985Paperback
3890111823Maschinensprache für Einsteiger (Machine Language for Beginners)1986
ROM-LISTING für den Commodore C4+ C16 und C1161984

Publications - Magazine
64'er1986-03Sonderheft 3
64'er1986-08Sonderheft 8
64'er1986-09Sonderheft 9
64'er1987Sonderheft 14
Aktueller Software Markt1986-033/1986
Aktueller Software Markt1986-054/1986
Aktueller Software Markt1986-065/1986
Aktueller Software Markt1986-076/1986
Aktueller Software Markt1986-097/1986
Aktueller Software Markt1986-108/1986
Aktueller Software Markt1986-119/1986
Aktueller Software Markt1987-011/1987
Aktueller Software Markt1987-022/1987
Aktueller Software Markt1987-033/1987
Aktueller Software Markt1987-044/1987
Aktueller Software Markt1987-055/1987
Aktueller Software Markt1987-067/1987
Aktueller Software Markt1987-089/1987
Aktueller Software Markt1987-1010/1987
Aktueller Software Markt1987-1111/1987
Aktueller Software Markt1987-1212/1987
Aktueller Software Markt1988-011/1988
Aktueller Software Markt1988-022/1988
Aktueller Software Markt1988-033/1988
Aktueller Software Markt1988-055/1988
Aktueller Software Markt1988-067/1988
Aktueller Software Markt1988-109/1988
Aktueller Software Markt2023-033-4/2023
CBM Revue19854/1985
CBM Revue19855/1985
CBM Revue19856/1985
CBM Revue1985-03-203/1985
CBM Revue1985-077/1985
CBM Revue1986-011/1986
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1986-022/86
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1986-033/86
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1986-044/86
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1986-055/86
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1986-066/86
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1986-077/86
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1986-088/86
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1986-099/86
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1986-1010/86
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1986-1111/86
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1986-1212-1/87
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1987-022/87
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1987-033/87
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1987-044/87
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1987-055/87
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1987-066/87
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1987-077/87
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1987-088/87
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1987-099/87
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1987-1010/87
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1987-1111/87
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1987-1212/87
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1988-011/88
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1988-022/88
Commodore Welt (Commodore World)1988-033/88
Commodore Welt C16 116 P4 Special19863/86
Commodore Welt C16 116 P4 Special19871/87
Commodore Welt C16 116 P4 Special19872/87
Commodore Welt C16 116 P4 Special19874/87
Commodore Welt C16 116 P4 Special19876/87
Commodore Welt C16 116 P4 Special19881/88
Commodore Welt C16 116 P4 Special19882/88
Commodore Welt C16 116 P4 Special19883/88
Commodore Welt C16 116 P4 Special19885/88
Commodore Welt C16 116 P4 Special1988-10-144/88
Commodore Welt C16 116 P4 Special Software Jahrbuch 198819881/88
Commodore Welt C16 116 P4 Special Software Jahrbuch 198919891/89
Commodore Welt C16 116 P4 Special Testjahrbuch 198819883/88
Commodore Welt Spezial VC20 C64 C16 116 P4 12819861/86
Compute Mit1984-1010/84
Compute Mit1985-055/85
Compute Mit1985-066/85
Compute Mit1985-077/85
Compute Mit1985-088/85
Compute Mit1985-099/85
Compute Mit1985-1010/85
Compute Mit1985-1111/85
Compute Mit1985-1212/85
Compute Mit1986-011/86
Compute Mit1986-022/86
Compute Mit1986-033/86
Compute Mit1986-044/86
Compute Mit1986-055/86
Compute Mit1986-066/86
Compute Mit1986-077/86
Compute Mit1986-088/86
Compute Mit1986-099/86
Compute Mit1986-1010/86
Compute Mit1986-1111/86
Compute Mit1986-1212/86
Compute Mit1987-011/87
Compute Mit1987-022/87
Compute Mit1987-033/87
Compute Mit1987-044/87
Compute Mit1987-055/87
Compute Mit1987-066/87
Compute Mit1987-077/87
Compute Mit1987-088/87
Compute Mit1987-099/87
Compute Mit1987-1010/87
Compute Mit1987-1111/87
Compute Mit1987-1212/87
Compute Mit1988-011/88
Compute Mit1988-022/88
Compute Mit1988-033/88
Compute Mit1988-044/88
Compute Mit1988-055/88
Compute Mit1988-066/88
Compute Mit1988-077/88
Compute Mit1988-088/88
Compute Mit SA19861/86
Compute Mit SA19862/86
Compute Mit SA19863/86
Compute Mit SA19871/87
Compute Mit SA19872/87
Compute Mit SA19873/87
Compute Mit SA19874/87
Compute Mit SA19881/88
Compute Mit SA19882/88Softcover
Compute Mit SA19883/88
Compute Mit SA19884/88
Compute Mit SA19885/88
Compute Mit SA19886/88
Compute Mit SA19891/89
Compute Mit SA19892/89
Compute Mit SA19893/89
Compute Mit SA19894/89
Compute Mit SA19895/89
Compute Mit SA19896/89
Computer Flohmarkt (Computer Flea Market)1990-01Nr. 1/2
Computer Flohmarkt (Computer Flea Market)1996-085/96
Computer Kurs198420
Computer Kurs198423
Computer-Literatur Und Software FrühjahrUnknownSommer '88
Computronic1986Sonderausgabe 1986/1
Computronic1986-031986/2 (March/April)
Computronic1986-051986/3 (May/June)
Computronic1986-071986/4 (July/August)
Computronic1986-091986/5 (September/October)
Computronic1986-111986/6 (November/December)
Computronic1987-011987/1 (January/February)
Computronic1987-031987/2 (March/April)
Computronic1987-051987/3 (May/June)
Computronic1987-071987/4 (July/August)
Computronic1987-091987/5 (September/October)
Computronic1987-111987/6 (November/December)
CPU1986-011/86 Spezial-Doppelausgabe
Happy Computer1986Sonderheft 8: Computer als Hobby
Happy Computer1986-099/86Softcover
Happy Computer1986-1212/86Softcover
Happy Computer1987-011/87Softcover
HC Mein Home-Computer1986-077/86
HC Mein Home-Computer1986-088/86
HC Mein Home-Computer1986-099/86
HC Mein Home-Computer1986-1010/86
Homecomputer1985-121986/1 (December/January)
RUN (German)1985-011/1985
RUN (German)1985-022/1985
RUN (German)1985-033/1985
RUN (German)1985-044/1985
RUN (German)1985-055/1985
RUN (German)1985-066/1985
RUN (German)1985-077/1985
RUN (German)1985-088/1985
RUN (German)1985-099/1985
RUN (German)1985-1010/1985
RUN (German)1985-1111/1985
RUN (German)1985-1212/1985
RUN (German)1986-011/1986
RUN (German)1986-022/1986
RUN (German)1986-033/1986
RUN (German)1986-044/1986
RUN (German)1986-055/1986
RUN (German)1986-066/1986
RUN (German)1986-077/1986
RUN (German)1986-088/1986
RUN (German)1986-099/1986
RUN (German)1986-1010/1986
RUN (German)1986-1111/1986
RUN (German)1986-1212/1986
RUN (German)1987-011/1987
RUN (German)1987-01Sonderheft 1/87
RUN (German)1987-022/1987
RUN (German)1987-033/1987
RUN (German)1987-044/1987
RUN (German)1987-055/1987
RUN (German)1987-066/1987
RUN (German)1987-077/1987
RUN (German)1987-088/1987
RUN (German)1987-099/1987
RUN (German)1987-1010/1987
RUN (German)1987-1111/1987
RUN (German)1987-1212/1987
RUN (German)1988-011/1988
Weihnachten auf dem Commodore (Christmas with the Commodore)2018-121
Weihnachten auf dem Commodore (Christmas with the Commodore)2019-122
Weihnachten auf dem Commodore (Christmas with the Commodore)2020-123

Publications - Promotional Material
Hofstede Katalog1989Booklet
Hofstede PreislisteUnknownBooklet
Kingsoft KatalogUnknownBooklet
Kingsoft Katalog 3/871987-03
Kingsoft Play It Again1987-12-01
Kingsoft's Super-Schnäppchen Für C-16 & Plus/41990-12-03

Publications - Software Manual
64'er Software Extra: MasterBASEPlus/41988
C16/C116/Plus4 Datei-Manager1986
n/aC16/C116/Plus4 Micro-Basic-Compiler1987Booklet
n/aC16/C116/Plus4 Text-Manager1986Booklet
Fibu V1.4UnknownBooklet
n/aHandbuch Zum SYS-Cracker (SYS-Cracker Manual)1987Booklet
n/aMusic Composer-Synth1986Booklet
Page-Setter 2.0UnknownSoftcover
Plus-Paket 161985Booklet
n/aSoftware Club GermanUnknownBooklet
n/aSoftware Club German1987Booklet
Targ-Überlebenspackung (Targ Survival Kit)Unknown
Two To One1990Booklet

Publications - User Manual
n/aCommodore 116 Bedienungshandbuch1984Bound
Commodore 16 Bedienungshandbuch1984Bound/Wire-o
n/aCommodore 3-plus-11984Bound/Wire-o
Commodore Datasette 1530/1531 Bedienungshandbuch1984
n/aCommodore Plus/4 Bedienungshandbuch1984Bound/Wire-o
n/aFloppy Disk VC1541/1551 Bedienungshandbuch1984Bound
280 found.

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