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Frequency Table

Note Frequency (Hz) NTSC TED Value NTSC TED Value (hex) PAL TED Value PAL TED Value (hex)
A6 1760 960 $03C0 961 $03C1
G#6 1661 957 $03BD 957 $03BD
G6 1568 953 $03B9 953 $03B9
F#6 1480 948 $03B4 949 $03B5
F6 1397 944 $03B0 945 $03B1
E6 1319 939 $03AB 940 $03AC
D#6 1245 934 $03A6 935 $03A7
D6 1175 929 $03A1 930 $03A2
C#6 1109 923 $039B 924 $039C
C6 1047 917 $0395 918 $0396
B5 988 911 $038F 912 $0390
A#5 932 904 $0388 905 $0389
A5 880 897 $0381 898 $0382
G#5 831 889 $0379 891 $037B
G5 784 881 $0371 883 $0373
F#5 740 873 $0369 874 $036A
F5 698 864 $0360 865 $0361
E5 659 854 $0356 856 $0358
D#5 622 844 $034C 846 $034E
D5 587 834 $0342 835 $0343
C#5 554 822 $0336 824 $0338
C5 523 810 $032A 812 $032C
B4 494 798 $031E 800 $0320
A#4 466 784 $0310 786 $0312
A4 440 770 $0302 772 $0304
G#4 415 755 $02F3 757 $02F5
G4 392 739 $02E3 741 $02E5
F#4 370 722 $02D2 724 $02D4
F4 349 704 $02C0 707 $02C3
E4 330 685 $02AD 688 $02B0
D#4 311 664 $0298 668 $029C
D4 294 643 $0283 646 $0286
C#4 277 620 $026C 624 $0270
C4 262 596 $0254 600 $0258
B3 247 571 $023B 575 $023F
A#3 233 544 $0220 548 $0224
A3 220 516 $0204 520 $0208
G#3 208 485 $01E5 490 $01EA
G3 196 453 $01C5 458 $01CA
F#3 185 419 $01A3 425 $01A9
F3 175 383 $017F 389 $0185
E3 165 345 $0159 351 $015F
D#3 156 305 $0131 311 $0137
D3 147 262 $0106 269 $010D
C#3 139 217 $00D9 224 $00E0
C3 131 169 $00A9 177 $00B1
B2 123 118 $0076 126 $007E
A#2 117 64 $0040 73 $0049
A2 110 7 $0007 16 $0010

Generating this table
The values in this table can be printed with the following BASIC program:
0 D=1.0594631:F=440*4
1 V=1024-(111860.781/F)
2 PRINTINT(F+.5);INT(V+.5);
3 F=F/D
4 IFF>=110THEN1

Note: change 111860.781 is the NTSC value. Use 110840.4375 for PAL.

The formula was taken from Commodore Plus/4 User's Manual, page 204, where a similar table appears. The value for PAL is mistakenly printed as "111840" instead of "110840".

You can use these values in the SOUND statement. For example, to play a C major chord (consisting of notes C, E, G - or do, mi, sol) on an NTSC machine, type the following:

Freq table 

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