Programming/Assembly Reference/KERNAL
A short list of KERNAL jump table in a format that can be copy&pasted to your source code:
; 264 series only defkey = $ff49 print = $ff4c primm = $ff4f monitor = $ff52
; 264 series and C64 (probably VIC-20 and other platforms too) VIDINIT = $FF81 IOINIT = $FF84 RAMTEST = $FF87 RESTORIO = $FF8A VECTOR = $FF8D SETMSG = $FF90 SECOND = $FF93 TKSA = $FF96 MEMTOP = $FF99 MEMBOT = $FF9C SCNKEY = $FF9F SETTMO = $FFA2 IECIN = $FFA5 IECOUT = $FFA8 UNTALK = $FFAB UNLISTEN = $FFAE LISTEN = $FFB1 TALK = $FFB4 READST = $FFB7 SETLFS = $FFBA (Set file parameters. Input: A = Logical number; X = Device number; Y = Secondary address.) SETNAM = $FFBD OPEN = $FFC0 CLOSE = $FFC3 CHKIN = $FFC6 CHKOUT = $FFC9 CLRCHANS = $FFCC CHRIN = $FFCF CHROUT = $FFD2 LOAD = $FFD5 SAVE = $FFD8 (Save file. (Must call SETLFS and SETNAM beforehands.) Input: A = Address of zero page register holding start address of memory area to save; X/Y = End address of memory area plus 1.) SETTIME = $FFDB READTIM = $FFDE STOP = $FFE1 GETCHAR = $FFE4 CLOSEALL = $FFE7 UDTIME = $FFEA SCRNSIZE = $FFED PLOT = $FFF0 IOBASE = $FFF3 RESET = $FFF6