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SAVE Command
Reference/Commodore BASIC V3.5

SAVE ["filename"[,device#[,EOT flag] ] ]

This command stores a program in memory onto a tape or disk. Simply entering SAVE will save the program currently in memory onto tape with a null filename. Entering SAVE followed by a filename within double quotes (maximum 16 characters) will save the program to tape with the specified filename.

If saving to disk, a filename is required, followed by the device number (normally device 8).

If saving to tape, the END-OF-TAPE (EOT) flag can be used. If the device is not a tape device (such as device 1), the flag is ignored. This flag has the following settings:
0: No action (default)
1: Save so that the relocate flag on the LOAD command is ignored, and the program always loads into the location it was saved from.
2: Saves the program, and records an END-OF-TAPE marker afterward. If this marker is read when loading from tape, a ?DEVICE NOT PRESENT ERROR occurs.
3: Saves in non-relocatable format (1) and writes the EOT marker (2).

SAVE Saves program onto tape without a name
SAVE"MYPROG" Saves program onto tape with the name "MYPROG"
SAVE A$ Saves onto tape with the name stored in A$. A string variable must be used, or a ?TYPE MISMATCH ERROR will occur. If the string variable is empty, then the program is saved without a filename if saving to tape, or a ?MISSING FILE NAME ERROR will occur if saving to disk
SAVE"MYPROG",8 Saves to disk with the filename "MYPROG"
SAVE"MYPROG",1,1 Saves the program to tape so that the relocate flag in the LOAD command has no effect
SAVE"MYPROG",1,3 As above, but adds an EOT marker

When using KERNAL ROM version 318004-03 in a 64K configuration, the SAVE command contains a bug when saving data from memory locations over $7FFF to tape, because the tape routines do not look at RAM under ROM. Disk operations are not affected. This bug also affects the VERIFY command.


See Also

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