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From: ern0 (all posts)
Date: 1998-09-15
Subject: Re: Ern0 and BERT

> (By the way, what are the Sesame Street DudesĀ“ names in Hungary?)

:-) My favourite is Count, I think he could enjoy machine coding...

My real name is Ernest (Hungarian: Erno") and I am using the "ern0"
handle bcos the slashed zero was the most nearest standard character to [ o" ] char - that's the real story of my name.

> I think so... What about "I should be so lucky"? In some
> demo I read it was done by you.

Yes...! It was the most famous, I think.

> Do you still have those editors?

I don't know... At this moment I have no idea where can I get a C16 config with fdd... But I have P200, and the
(idunnowhich) emulator worx well, except that the sound has tiny glitches. BTW my editors are very uncomfortable ones, I shouldn't use them if I would make new songs.

Two years ago I have stopped writing Amiga modules
(and TFMX also), we've bought a synth, bcos I've jumped into MIDI business. It's interesting that I've implemented evergreens for C16 and just few originals, on Amiga I've made few implementations, more originals, and in MIDI I have very few implementations.

Whoaaa! Just listen!

I think it's not a crazy thing to write a converter which can convert specially arranged MIDIs to C16
song! It has lots of advantages:
- I need not to write an editor,
- all the songs can be played as General MIDI,
- non-plus4 dudes can write plus4 songs...
I need just write a player for C16 and a converter to PC which saves all the things in prg format!

This idea has just came to my mind when I have typed some wordz about MIDI...


ERN0.since.1971.amiga.scene.muzak mailto:zalkae@rs3.szif.hu http://www.nexus.hu/ern0/ lite.updated.1998.09.03

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