| From: Richard Atkinson
Date: 1998-09-14
Subject: Re: Ern0 and BERT
> > the music data was 32 byte, the plalyer was no longer too.
> The XADIUM score is done in a similar way... Good for C16 users with very
> limited memory.
C16 users should upgrade to 64K - I'm thinking about doing a web page on this operation. It really does open up many extra oppurtunities (as well as being an easy and "fun" mod to do).
> > > converted SID sounds...
> >
> > I don't like them, to make good music for C16 we must use
> > the TED "native" way.
> >
> I don´t generally agree on that one but I like REAL TED tunes very much.
> My favorite music is either the "LAZA!" or "TERRA NOVA" score!
I do - if I want to hear SID music I'll load up one of my 28 (at last count :-) C64s, or maybe SIDPlay (although the ADSR emulation on that isn't quite right).
TED music has a certain style all of its own, and I get really pissed off when I run silent demos which say "SIDcard only". Some of the music I've heard on plus/4 is really impressive - I still can't believe it's that cute little brown box pumping out the noise. It certainly sounds a lot better than C64 sampled music ($d414), perhaps the "inferior" capabilities of TED lead to more creative composing and programming!
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