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From: Chicken (all posts)
Date: 1998-09-14
Subject: Ern0 and BERT
Hi Ernö and Bert,
(By the way, what are the Sesame Street Dudes' names in Hungary?)

> V1 editor:

Do you still have those editors?

> - Vanguard intro "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"

Do you know the (live) cover version by NO DOUBT? It kicks ass... cool bass line!

> - Mad's (Kosir Attila) game "Mesel az erdo" (original
> composition, using Bach's theme)

I remember that one... The game always crashed on my plus/4. There must be some bad copies around!

> V2 editor:
> - Nautilus game (some original songs)
> - Intro for "Indoor Sports" ("Nothing" from Depeche Mode)
> - An Italian disco song - I dunno if I released it or not
> - Kim Wilde's "America" - I've seen it in a musicbox demo
> "Native":
> - I have written the soundtrack of "Profi" without editor;

I don't know that game... Sorry!

> the music data was 32 byte, the plalyer was no longer too.

The XADIUM score is done in a similar way... Good for C16 users with very limited memory.

> Maybe I forgot something.

I think so... What about "I should be so lucky"? In some demo I read it was done by you.

> > Is there any complete collection of all your tunes?
> I think none, I never have had floppy disk, all my stuffs
> are in casettes and I don't know where they are... also,
> I have some floppy, I'll check them.

Do you still have a plus/4? Would you do some new tunes if you had the equipment? There are still not very many composers on plus/4...

> > converted SID sounds...
> I don't like them, to make good music for C16 we must use
> the TED "native" way.
I don't generally agree on that one but I like REAL TED tunes very much.
My favorite music is either the "LAZA!" or "TERRA NOVA" score!
So long,

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