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From: Crown (all posts)
Date: 2000-09-09
Subject: Re: Digi + Ted Sound?

I must confess I've cheated... :)) In Iron Maiden demo, the freq sound and the digis are not played at the same time... When it's time to play a drum,
freq sound is turned off and I just play the digi sound, then turn back freq sound, it's that easy... :)))I actually had to shorten the digi sounds not to break the tempo, so their quality is less then the original had...
You can play digtal sounds while the freq generators are on, you just change the volume the same way you do with digi sounds, but notice that volume of the digi sound will be low, while the volume of the freq sound will be loud,
and it will fluctuate with the digi sound....


----- Original Message -----
From: "Csabo" <csabo@idirect.com>
To: "Plus 4 Scene" <plus4@c64.rulez.org>
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 14:55 PM Subject: Digi + Ted Sound?

> Another thing: how is it possible to play digitalised samples + TED frq
> sound at the same time? Like in Crown's Iron Maiden demo, etc. Also in the
> intro of Byte Times 3 - same thing. How's that done??? ;-)
> Csabo
> --this message went through the plus4@c64.rulez.org emailing list---

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