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From: Crown (all posts)
Date: 1998-05-14
Subject: Interlace bug
Hi there,

I downloaded and checked your interlace routine. Pretty nice. :)
I've found a bug. The odd and even lines are swapped. You just have to swap the values written into $ff12, so write $d8 instead of $d0,
and $d0 instead of $d8. This bug can be best seen on the red car picture.

I've checked it on a 1084S monitor, and the plus4 was hooked through a Sony VCR. (I couldn't put it up directly, as I broke my video cable again.) The signal looks good, at least the VCR accepted it, and could syncronize to it if I switched to an other channel and back.
There is two feature: the upper lines do a vibrating movement, they are moving a half line up-and down, while the lower lines seems to be stable. If I scroll the screen right with the monitor controls there is an area, where it goes black and white.

I played a little with it but couldn't fix these features yet. I guess the vibration is caused by not having finished the VR sygnal where it should be, and the monitor tries to compensate, or it simply doesn't likes the 626 lines which is generated currently (2 frames
+ 2 half line, plus 1 line with the $ff1d write gives 626 and not 625!)


Tibor Biczo / Crown of GOTU

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