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From: H Zoli
Date: 2000-07-05
Subject: =?ISO-8859-2?Q?Re=3A=A0HW=A0Q?=
> > I came to 3 solutions:
> > (first 2 are offtopic, sorry. someone may be interested..)
> >
> > - PC/AT 286: cheap, requires no power supply in the car
> > - Z80: a cheap and simple architecture is a Sp*ctrum,
> > - third idea (and this is the "ontopic" part): C64 or plus4.
> Seriously - forget all these options. What you are looking
> for is a microcontroller. And for your application a pretty
> small one for around 3$ should be enough.
> I recommend you to check out Atmel AVR RISC, as they
> come with a pretty good evaluation kit, or microchip PIC.

well I know that home computers are not the best solution.
but I dont want to bother with the PCB, coding a microcomputer,
burning EPROM's, etc... I'm not a professional mechanic, this would be an experiment only. A simple method to measure exact 0-100kmh (60mph) acceleration. (Drawing the rpm / ingnition timing graph is a bit more difficult I aggree.)
...anyways, thx 4 the info. gonna check the URLs.


> www.atmel.com
> www.microchip.com
> --this message went through the plus4@c64.rulez.org emailing list---

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