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Posted By

on 2005-10-22
 Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

Hi all;

I recently went back to the folks for a weekend, and rummaged out all my old Commodore Users on a nostalgic whim. However, one memory my brother's and I had were all those old type in programs which we never did get to work. However, I was unable to find any of the magazines which had them in; In particular I was remembering two C16 games called "Pearl Diver" and "Maze Runner", which appeared in Commodore User... does anyone recall these games, or better yet, know of CU archives or .tap images where I could get them? It's almost certain that, unless I can find the original mags myself, they are lost forever to the mists of time, but I thought I'd give it a whirl in asking here...!

Posted By

on 2005-10-22
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

have a look at www.commodore16.com, maybe they have it there!!

Posted By

on 2005-10-22
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

You can but the complete scans of Commodore User from:

They are of excellent quality and well worth the money!

Posted By

on 2005-10-22
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

Pearl Diver happy

I have all the issues of CU up to March '87, and I'm currently typing in the games from them (and from a few other mags) happy

Posted By

on 2005-10-23
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

You guys are Godlike, and I love you all... especially Ulysses! And to think I thought it was hopeless. Um, wow. Thanks again!

Posted By

on 2005-10-23
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

wohow, Pearl Diver! what a flash! happy One of the best type in games. Thanks Ulysses!

Posted By

on 2005-11-07
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

Interesting - as far as I remember I have seen a game called "Perlentaucher" traslated "Pearl Diver" in a german magazine - maybe it's the same program - can somebody add "Peral Diver" to the game database and als the prg file? Thanks

Posted By

on 2005-11-09
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?


i've just discovered there's a forum here, although i've been in and out for this excellent site (on and off) for a while. how do i properly sign up?

yes all the Commodure User and Commodore Horizons C16/+4 game listing scans are available on www.commodore16.com and a number of the games are already available in .prg format for download.

The game listings from Your Commodore are coming soon also, and eventually any CCI game listings once i get hold of them.

i personally like Golf from CU. that was a clever simple little program that showed off the vector capabilities...'the insult construction set' was totally ripped from 'sentences' that was on the C16 introductory tape 2, and the only multi format listing i know of. fine memories

Posted By

on 2005-11-10
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

hey guys,

The Your Commodore listings are now up, not as many as i thought there were and three of them (at least) were already available as .prg downloads anyway...not sure of any others are done, if anyone can let me know wink

Posted By

on 2005-11-13
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

Ok, I thought I'd have a crack at typing in Maze Runner for the community, but as i haven't seen the baby Commodore for over 10 years, and I can't find a good keyboard display online, I'm stuck at a certain character; It appears in line 70 at the image here


What is the character between the brackets at BL$=BL$+" ", and what under YAPE should I press to get it up?


Posted By

on 2005-11-13
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

I don't know what that character is. Some magazines didn't actually print out listings on Commodore printers, but instead used a different brand that has a different ASCII set.

You might check the front and back of the magazine for a "Tips to Entering Programs" page. Maybe they included a list of what keypresses to use to enter these non-Commodore symbols.

Since the game redefines the character set, we can't tell from the article's photo what should be there.

The closest that I see on the actual Commodore keyboard is Commodore-S.

Posted By

on 2005-11-13
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

it may be one of those quarter-circles in the character set (SHIFT+I), maybe give that one a try...looking forward to seeing that one wink

Posted By

on 2005-11-13
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

btw YC's Green Things From Outer Space is now completed also, slightly strange prorgramming code but check it out anyway lol

Posted By

on 2005-11-13
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

i've just spoken to Mort who owns the original magazines and he reckons it is a character graphic but he couldn't be more specific as he said it looks just the same as on the scan, so i presume it's (SHIFT+I)

Posted By

on 2005-11-13
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

Going to try Shift and I... this may take some time to test though, as my typing is bad anyway, let alone when trying to type on the old C16 keyboard layout! And how did we ever manage with such simple BASIC?! Modern GUI's have spoiled me!

The correct code listings for Commodore User can be seen at the end of the Pearl Diver images by the way... this one didn't appear to be any of them though.

Posted By

on 2005-11-13
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

Hmmm... either Shift & I or CTRL and S could possibly be the character there, but even though I've checked all of the none-data lines over and over again, everytime I try and run it, I'm getting a "TYPE MISMATCH" error at line 110. I've got it typed in correctly, as far as I can tell:


But it flashes all the text after 293. Could there still be a typing error I've missed somewhere else, or is there a mistake in the original basic here?

Posted By

on 2005-11-13
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

The TYPE MISMATCH error is caused by the READ statement reading string data in one of the DATA lines, possibly a letter O instead of a zero 0. You'll need to check your DATA lines.

To help you find the problem, try typing in the following immediately after the error occurs:


The resulting number shows how far (in data items, not lines!) the program was from reaching the end of the DATA statements. You can use this to backtrack through the data items to the offending one (provided there are no other errors!) happy

Posted By

on 2005-11-13
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

i say that rasping smiley is the offending culprit, but then it's always easier blaming someone else

Posted By

on 2005-11-16
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?


Thanks to Print 293, I found the line with the type mismatch error, but now I'm getting a "Out Of Data Error" in Line 110. I assume this is because there aren't enough data points typed in, but I've gone through the lines twice and I can't see where there are some missing. Driving... me... mad! But I SHALL get it typed up! Any suggestions for how I can find the missing bits? (Each data line has 16 entries... any command that'll tell me the number of entries for each?)

Posted By

on 2005-11-16
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

DATA statements...the bane of the type-in typist...(a little YAPE suggestion...an option to use the keypad for typing numbers?) wink

OUT OF DATA error does indeed mean that there are too few data items. Due to the way the program works, the missing item(s) should be somewhere between line 1100 and the end of the program.

One thing you can do is enter PRINT 293-A+1 after the error occurs, this will show you how many data items are missing.

One other thing you can try (although it might not work) is type SYS 12288 and SYS 12365. If, after entering either SYS command, you get a BREAK message followed by the Monitor display, make a note of the 4-digit hexidecimal number under the letters 'PC'. Then type X to get back to BASIC, and enter the following:

A=DEC("xxxx")-12288 : B=0 : DO : A=A-16 : B=B+1 : LOOP UNTIL SGN(A)=-1 : PRINT (B+109)*10

(where xxxx is the aforementioned 4-digit hex number). This should hopefully print the line number which is missing the data item. NOTE: it's quite possible this may not work, so you may have to check those DATA lines again.

Hope this helps happy

Posted By

on 2005-11-16
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

i know the feeling Titler, i had a headache with Filght-Master, more for the fact that the saved memory addresses got screwed and it didn't resave my corrections (which i was unaware off for a month or two).

it can be migraine-inducing stuff. i may leave that one for now (although it's a relatively easy-to-type program) until i've done some others then try again...unless someone else (hopefully) beats me to it wink

Posted By

on 2005-11-17
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?


I'm convinced now there's a data line missing! I followed your instructions Ulyssess, and when the SYS commands weren't screwing up the entire program (hurrah for back ups!) it was returning a value of "30C0" for PC. However, I went through the entire data again, and found a one number mistake, and corrected it. Now, when I type either SYS I don't get monitor at all. Does this mean I've entered all the data correctly?

Either way, I'm still getting the Out Of Data at 110. Which lines are calling on the data, so I can treble, quadruple check those in particular for typos... or would someone like me to email them the .prg I've got so far to proof read? happy

Posted By

on 2005-11-17
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

@Sixteen Plus: Flight Master happy

@Titler: You can send the PRG to me if you like, click on the username on the left for the email addy happy

Posted By

on 2005-11-17
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

thanks Ulysses, much appreciated...i'll add that one to the listings database sometime tomorrow or at the weekend when i'm home happy

you did have one slight but notable error on it though as i noticed that the tilting sky horizon wasn't working, thought you may like to know for correction on your page.
line 440 should read IF H>19


it's still much better than my lame effort wink

Posted By

on 2005-11-19
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

Yay! I suck! About 6 errors identified by the mighty Ulysses, and now I'll submit it here and to www.commodore16.com.

And the game sucks too! And it's not even the one in the screenshot! He he he...

Posted By

on 2005-11-19
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

much appreciated Titler, that's a pretty tough listing to do, thanks for taking the time out in doing it happy

you're right the game sucks, as the only control for it is by the space bar to scroll the screen along lol. unless anyone else knows what to do...if you don't mind, i'll have another proof read of it if it's ok.

and trust Commodore User to put the flipping wrong game screenshot in, i never noticed that glitch...the one they printed is Megabolts

Posted By

on 2005-11-19
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

oops, thanks Ulysses also happy

Posted By

on 2005-11-19
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

You press the pound key to start (Delete key when using YAPE), then joystick up and down happy

Posted By

on 2005-11-19
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

thanks Ulysses...my brain was starting to hurt.

so that means the space bar an added cheat mode, as you can scroll along to any point then start the game when you're near to the objective wink

i've added the game to my page now also...btw the Commodore User issue it's in is no.43

Posted By

on 2005-11-20
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

I used the scans at the webpage mentioned above to type it in; the controls were listed there in the introductory paragraph... Direct links here;


They list it as being Issue 43 (April 1987)

I also apologise for leaving the final REM statement in the listing. It was meant to be just a personal log of achievement for me, HAVING FINALLY GOT ONE TO WORK AFTER NEARLY 20 YEARS! WOOOT! And I had taken it out as I got closer to finishing. But one of the suggested SYS commands completely screwed up both program and listing, so I rolled back to an earlier save... and forgot to check whether that line was still in it. Apparently, it was, sorry! Feel free to take it off again.

And also to submit new versions if mistakes are still in. No wonder I could never get them to work!

Posted By

on 2005-11-20
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

Just a quick mention about the listings to be done on the commodore16.com site: Solitaire (CU18) is actually a C64 game. The 'Commodore 16' bit is a misprint.

Posted By

on 2005-11-20
 Re: Commodore User Type In Games... Anyone Have Scans Or Images?

flipping typical, a nasty habit that CU seemed to have develop there
thanks for the info Ulysses, the records have been updated.

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