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Posted By

on 2004-11-20

I've added a cheat for Skramble for unlimited lives.

In the program code please look at $3F00. There you can find the full message from the game end. With the cheat you can play to the end (I hope ...).

And now you can see the author is Jef and the full name of the game is Skramble 16.
Posted By

on 2004-11-21
 Re: Skramble

Nice find! I added two more cheats. The last stages are insanely hard, but I bet diehard games like Lando must have completed this on their own. It's cool that in the end you can keep going and going until you finally blow up that one red base.

When games have multiple names, we stick with the one that's on the cover. So it remains Skramble, but I added the longer name to notes so that it would show up if someone searches for that term.

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