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Posted By

on 2004-09-14
 Info request to +4 people

I'm (finally) inserting my votes on software titles, and I have to notice that there are a lot of utilities and other useful tools that are not documented (and that I don't know!).
We only have their titles, but no info about what they do. Often any screenshot is available.

Then here I launch a request to all ppl (especially hungarians): If you know any utility or tool that is recorded in the dBase without info, PLEASE supply us with all you know. I'm sure there are gems that we don't think existing.

To keep alive our beloved Plus4 we need your collaboration. Think this: if we (and you) know that good tools were built and are now at disposal, maybe somebody wishes to check them... and to write something new.

Csabo and other volunteers worked hard to put together the dBase, now you only have to write to me or to other editor-enabled guys, by a private message or an e-mail.

Please reply to this appeal, THANK YOU! happy

Posted By

on 2004-09-14
 Re: Info request to +4 people

I have a vague feeling I can guess how many guys are going to volunteer wink But I don't want to sound cynical. Anyway, let me ask you this SVS: any programs in particular? (I'm slowly working my way through all the stuff, if I know which ones you are interesed in, I will try to write some info on those first.)

Posted By

on 2004-09-15
 Re: Info request to +4 people

Csabo: Could we have a link somewhere on the page which is gathering the programs w/o info? (It isn't seem to be a hard code to me... happy

Posted By

on 2004-09-15
 Re: Info request to +4 people

Nice idea Rachy!

Csabo: as you know I'm very intererested in programming files, and for some titles I only have to "bet" on the basis of title words (if in English language). Titles as for example, "MicroCompiler", "C16/C116,+4 MicroBasicCompiler", "Allround relocator", etc. could be very cool.

Other titles, like Supertape, Szociometria, Volky 2.0, Elite 1.0, Caddimat +4, Ado master ... I don't know maybe they are interesting too (I hope yes).

Thank anybody would help happy

Posted By

on 2004-09-15
 Re: Info request to +4 people

Ok, I'll do when I find one that I'd used to run.
E.g., Allround Relocator... great (converted) stuff.

Posted By

on 2004-09-15
 Re: Info request to +4 people

Well, of course it's not difficult to create a page like that, but who has the time?! Okay, I'll stop complaining now. I did a page for you guys, glad to know that some people are willing to put in the effort.

Right now a "program with missing info" is defined as one that doesn't have the Language and Notes field set. If I look at a program the language should be clear right away (in most cases happy), hence any programs with no language means I haven't looked at it in details. Of course release date, code type, memory and device requirements are also all needed.

Anyways here's the link: [ Missing Info ]. Feel free to start editing. If you guys have more ideas, let me know.

(BTW, if you just pick a random number in the database e.g. 3333, you can go type this link in the address bar /sd.php?pid=13333 and press enter. If that particular program has info, just click Next or Previous a couple of times, you're bound to bump into something that sorely needs info...)

Posted By

on 2004-09-16
 Re: Info request to +4 people

Csabo: thanks, that is a start. Maybe you could include programs with missing creators too.

Now dudez, it is time to look at the list. happy

Posted By

on 2004-09-16
 Re: Info request to +4 people

In the Progarms with Missing Info (as written happy), if you click the [edit] link, you are exclusively linked to edit King of Kings notes!

Posted By

on 2004-09-16
 Re: Info request to +4 people

Luca: King of Kings is the first record in the SW archive, that link only allow you to enter into the archive. If you want to modify info of a title, first enter the title and then [edit]

Maybe Csabo (knowing you) figured you wish to scan the whole SW archive, fitting all the missing info: in this case you are ready to start from first title and then go ahead simply by pressing [next] happy

Being serious, thanks for the fast work Csabo!

Posted By

on 2004-09-16
 Re: Info request to +4 people

Oooooh! Incredible!
I'd found here the papermag sold with Jackson's C16 Music Master!
Must pass it into the scanner! happy

Posted By

on 2004-09-16
 Re: Info request to +4 people

AAAAARGH! I'm going mad!
Once I added some programs, parts of a compilation or a whole program, which link I have to follow in order to record the whole compilation with all these programs cited and linked?
And why there's only the game/compilation genre?
Often, when I click on "add introduction/solution/whatever", a blank line appears in the record also if I hadn't saved it.

Posted By

on 2004-09-16
 Re: Info request to +4 people

Okay, corrected the typo and fixed the edit link. Actually I didn't think anyone would use the edit link right from there, but rather open the record first, look at the program, and then edit from there. Anyway...

Listing programs with missing creators is also possible, but there would be literally THOUSANDS. Just pick any program in the database and work your way through it.

Adding "introduction/solution/whatever" is final, it creates the record first. Try to only click those link if you are serious about adding some info. I know it's not perfect, but that's all we have for now.

Posted By

on 2004-09-22
 Re: Info request to +4 people

I added data to a few programs on the list.

One thing what I noticed: there is no "The United Crackers" team, which was the formal "Men of Science". I know at least one member: Vulture.

Posted By

on 2004-09-22
 Re: Info request to +4 people

You mean the creators of U C Demo, U C Demo III, etc? I saw those, and I was thinking that it could be a team which is already in the database. If that was the former name of MOS, then problem solved...

Also UCH (United Crackers Hungary) is missing from the db. I know Boomby was in it, but the origins/details of this group are a mystery. Another one: there's a group(!) called TLC (Two Live Crew?), that need to be discovered/added happy

Posted By

on 2004-09-23
 Re: Info request to +4 people

Former, yes. wink

Vulture created Demo Designer too, under the team name United Crackers.

Anyway if you can get the meaning of the scroll text of this program, then probably it shed some light on MOS and U.C. relation (I gave up. wink ).

Posted By

on 2004-09-23
 Re: Info request to +4 people

#14747 (Erel Pack 3.0) seems to be a dead link (rulez.org). What to do in such case?

Posted By

on 2004-09-23
 Re: Info request to +4 people

Stuff redumped, link prepaired.
Try again, Levente wink

Posted By

on 2004-09-24
 Re: Info request to +4 people

Did. wink

Posted By

on 2004-09-24
 Re: Info request to +4 people

Hey Levente, are you working on THAT fixing release? wink

Posted By

on 2004-09-24
 Re: Info request to +4 people

I'm trying again...

Posted By

on 2004-09-24
 Re: Old proggies

I was just looking through some more of Vulture's releases. In one of them he sends a greeting to "The Pink Panther Cracker". Now, what does that spell? happy Could that be the real meaning for TPPC?

Posted By

on 2004-09-24
 Re: Info request to +4 people

Maybe his +4 mate Absurd knows, and I'll ask to him in these days, during an interview.

Posted By

on 2004-09-25
 Re: Info request to +4 people

Absurd confirmes:
Yes. TPPC stands for The Pink Panther Cracker...

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