Posted By
 MIK on 2004-04-13 18:16:06
 | Drea-M-time 2004
Is there a word better than AWESOME? If so I need to use it here!
WOW!! |
Posted By
 Csabo on 2004-04-13 21:40:06
| Re: Drea-M-time 2004
Hmm, I wonder if variable-x-shifted-double-line-hires-interlaced-fli is one word or not? Seriously, the pictures are amazing, near-true-color. We all have to take our hat off and bow before Larry maestro. Couldn't be happier that WLS finally made a release. Hear that EDC, GOTU and the rest (including LOD)? Y'all are all behind (at least by the number of releases this year).
Now for the whining. It wouldn't have been difficult to add a space-check and load the next picture... That's all this need to look like an actual demo. Come on guys, just a little more effort. You don't have to overdo it, like some people, so that your demos never get released 
My favourite of the pack is the first one by the way. |
Posted By
 Lavina on 2004-04-14 04:49:28
 | Re: Drea-M-time 2004
OMFG!!!! THIS IS...... hm, no words. |
Posted By
 bubis on 2004-04-14 05:29:01
| Re: Drea-M-time 2004
This fli mode is just coooool! I have to support it in a later release of my fli converter. I think I'll call this Larry's FLI mode.  |
Posted By
 Nightbird on 2004-04-14 06:36:12
| Re: Drea-M-time 2004
Good God! How is this possible? Illusion or reality? |
Posted By
 TMR on 2004-04-14 09:35:32
 | Re: Drea-M-time 2004
Bubis: call it LFLI for short. =-)
Now, if someone were to sit down and write a game using this mode or a non-interlaced version (interlaced games tend to burn out retinas) it'd be really cool... =-) |
Posted By
 Csabo on 2004-04-14 10:02:51
| Re: Drea-M-time 2004
A game? Well, the only real difference between this and the standard double-line-FLI is that the (double) lines are shifted to a position where the least color is lost. Ideally you'd want to color each pixel independently, but you have to find two colors only for each 8*2 block, so some color info will be lost. Now if you shift each line for every pixel and see which horizontal position loses the least amount of colors, that's the one you will keep. Bottom line: this reduces the "blockiness" of the images, and the only thing you lose is two characters on each side because of the 38 column mode. However, because of all the above, this mode is mostly (only?) suitable for still images. Think about it, even a simple scroller on top of the picture would be a problem, since you'd have to "cut" the character graphics every which way.
To write a game simply using any FLI mode would be good, I'm sure we've all though of this lots of times. The only problem is that it eats too much CPU power, and to write a really good game, we'd need LOTS of CPU power for the graphics (remember, no sprites!) It's not impossible, but very difficult. |
Posted By
 MIK on 2004-04-14 17:02:38
 | Re: Drea-M-time 2004
I was thinking game this morning.
Something simple like a card game maybe. Normal cards with one cool image for the backs, (An image of a Plus4). 
In dream land a 3D chess game! A new image or animation would load for each move but it would be too slow and many disks.  |
Posted By
 MIK on 2004-04-14 18:14:29
 | Re: Drea-M-time 2004
Making an animation of ZZ was a bad idea... 
 (This animation does not in anyway represent the original quality of the actual image that can be displayed on a Commodore Plus/4!!) |
Posted By
 TMR on 2004-04-14 18:59:17
 | Re: Drea-M-time 2004
i was thinking a block puzzle, a 4x4 char area would only need about 1K of data moved per shift and that could be spread out if the "tiles" dissolved from one place to the other... It'd be damned nice looking. |
Posted By
 MagerValp on 2004-04-15 03:20:44
| Re: Drea-M-time 2004
So could someone explain how this gfx mode works? That hungarian text doesn't tell me much...
Someone really needs to make an editor for this mode so we can get some graphicians working in it.

Posted By
 confirmed on 2004-04-15 04:23:05
| Re: Drea-M-time 2004
Wow, really great converter! I think one difference to bubis converter is, that it does a better job in keeping the luminance levels, but sacfrifices color instead. Can you confirm this?
Btw.. how about crediting the original creators of the images? Lets not repeat the old conversation craze again  |
Posted By
 Luca on 2004-04-15 04:28:54
 | Re: Drea-M-time 2004
Mh! It reminds me the plus4-into-amiga we'd seen at 4ever03 party in Szeged. Yes, now the Plus/4 acts like an Amiga...NOT A JOKE???  |
Posted By
 MC on 2004-04-16 02:04:02
 | Re: Drea-M-time 2004
MagerValp: that hungarian text is not about the graphic mode  This is a very simple hires graphical FLI + interlace. (2 FLI pictures alternating at 50Hz) In this graphic mode, you tweak the TED to change the color memory bank at every second line, so you will have 2 distinct (and random) colors for each 8x2 pixels region. All you have to do is to create a clever converter that can optimize very well for this mode And you have to look for pictures that look GOOD when converted this way. |
Posted By
 TMR on 2004-04-16 08:51:06
 | Re: Drea-M-time 2004
MV: the mode is essentially AFLI with interlace and only every other line changing colours.
MC: Random? Nah, s'not random... got proof coming of that. =-) |
Posted By
 Crowster on 2004-04-16 17:36:34
| Can't get it to work, but have the hungrary message.
How do you cycle between pictures, im using yape 0.56, but can't get any further than the hungarian message. :? |
Posted By
 Crowster on 2004-04-16 17:40:27
| Got it working now.
Sorry last relieased you can only view the images serperately, but very impressive, looks like an Amiga. :o |
Posted By
 Plus/4 Team on 2004-04-17 14:07:17
| Re: Drea-M-time 2004
Help Me Friends ! Nekem nem megy ez a kis progi, pedig biztos marha jó lehet !  YAPE ill. WINVICE megvan de egyikkel sem akar menni ! Még az elején lefagy és kiakad ! Thank's  |
Posted By
 Plus/4 Team on 2004-04-18 11:12:21
| Re: Drea-M-time 2004
Figyelem !!! Emulátorral nem fut ez a kis progi !!! Nem tudjuk megnézni így PC-n!!! Valaki nézzen utána vajon mi is lehet a gond ! Köszönöm !  |
Posted By
 Ati on 2004-04-18 12:16:22
| Re: Drea-M-time 2004
Megy az, próbáld a 0.56-os Yape-t! És nézd meg a reloaded verziót is, az nagyon állat. |
Posted By
 Plus/4 Team on 2004-04-18 15:41:29
| Re: Drea-M-time 2004
Köszönöm most már megy ! A YAPE verzióm volt régi már !  |
Posted By
 Plus/4 Team on 2004-04-18 15:57:37
| Re: Drea-M-time 2004
Hát "öregem" le a kalappal elöttetek ! Olyan dolgot vittetek most véghez ezzel a kis géppel,amelyet még a tervezői sem mertek álmodni !!!! Gratulálok ! Üdv Plus/4 Team |
Posted By
 MC on 2004-04-22 04:31:13
 | Re: Drea-M-time 2004
"MC: Random? Nah, s'not random... got proof coming of that. =-)" TMR: "random" means any legal color you wish  |
Posted By
 Csabo on 2004-04-22 15:08:09
| Re: Drea-M-time 2004
MC: I understood you the first time, but the word you are looking for is "arbitrary" (tetszõleges). |
Posted By
 MC on 2004-04-29 05:08:49
 | Re: Drea-M-time 2004
Why, RAM is random access memory  |