Posted By
Gaia on 2003-10-09
| Retro party
This piece of news has just landed in my mailbox:
fYaNICA #10 jubilee party! The Biggest Hungarian Retro Computer Party! The tenth occasion of the obligatory meeting of all Hungarian Retro Computer Users (Spectrum, Commodore, Atari, Amiga, Mac ...) is coming up. PC FREE PARTY!!! Date: 15th - 16th November. Place: Budapest, Csokonai Cultural Center (same place where FLaG Parties were held). This is going to be the biggest fyanica party in 6 years!!! Here you can find further information about the event: and All Amiga fans are welcome!
For many of us Hungarian plus/4 sceners the place itself (Csokonai Cultural Center) will bring back great memories!