Posted By
 bszggg on 2025-03-04 19:30:53
| Rutins in assembly
Hi! I would like a topic for assembly questions.
- First: I would like a routine to print the entire screen. I wrote the most of it. My problem is how I convert the screen codes to the printer format? As I think, these are the ascii chars. Is there any finalished routine that I can use for it?
"a" screen: $01 ascii: $41 "0" screen: $30 ascii: $30 as I think, it is not just an add $40
- Second question will be the graphical.. :) maybe..
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2025-03-05 01:24:12
| Re: Rutins in assembly
Click the "Search" link at the top, type or copy-paste "hardcopy" without the quotation marks, click the "search" button or press enter, pick and choose to your heart's content in the results.
Posted By
 Crown on 2025-03-05 01:49:04
| Re: Rutins in assembly
Precursor to the my original graphic converter, I had a few routines for printing graphics, both hires and multicolor. I don't see it available here, hopefully it will be on one of my disks or tapes.
Posted By
 bszggg on 2025-03-05 10:32:46
| Re: Rutins in assembly
@gerliczer: First I Iry to search the forum first. But these topic from umlaut , and specialized chars. not from the differences of char codes, and screen codes.
As I realized the char code solution is: I checked the code tables again in my books, and it needs to add $40 if the value less than $1f
LDA $0c00 JSR converter print a register
converter CMP #$1F BCS SKIP CLC ADC #$40 SKIP RTS
@Crown: If you found it, I can push to the next version of mouse extension. as a new feature (there is some empty space in the rom)
Posted By
 Litwr on 2025-03-05 11:48:45
| Re: Rutins in assembly
I wrote an Epson driver to print bw graphics for the Epson matrix printers back in the late 80s. It worked well for me. I don't remember the details, but the code is small and easy to analyze.