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Posted By

on 2024-12-22
 My first 6502 is finished!

It's a 10 minute message from CommodoreBlog, so you don't have to watch all of it if you don't want to, but I thought you'd like to see what you've been helping with.
0:00 Sample playback + animated bitmap + split scroller + tune
~3:40 bouncing scroller + parallax scroller + animated / static background + tune 2
~8:30 scrolling bitmap snow effect (and tune1 again, I ran out of time grin )

I would add: the scroller is smoother irl, I think there is some camera / tv / youtube frame sync in the video and the "Christmas is awesome" is cycling colours but that's not obvious either

I know maybe it's not the most difficult thing possible, but I thank you for your help in getting me to a finished program, and happy xmas to you all.

Posted By

on 2024-12-22
 Re: My first 6502 is finished!

Surely you mean your first 6502 demo is finished, or did you actually build a processor? wink

Are you going to release it? All I see is a YouTube video.

Posted By

on 2024-12-22
 Re: My first 6502 is finished!

Sarah is in charge of official release. But yeah once it's out it's out. Shall I send a copy on the forum email?

Posted By

on 2024-12-22
 Re: My first 6502 is finished!

@Csabo: Or even worse, he has finished his first 6502 and now he is out there looking for the next victim. Run 6502s, run! twisted

Posted By

on 2024-12-22
 Re: My first 6502 is finished!

im up for soldering one to a z80.............

Posted By

on 2024-12-22
 Re: My first 6502 is finished!

Simple but good job, congrats! I wish I were able to do it myself...

Posted By

on 2024-12-22
 Re: My first 6502 is finished!

Shall I send a copy on the forum email?

As a member of the site, you can add and edit programs! To add a program: Home | Admin page | Programs | New. Fill out the fields (at least name and program type - Demo in this case), then Save. This creates the program record. Each program's page has an "[ Upload PRG file or screenshot ]", you can use that to upload the PRG file. You can even add the news announcement if you like! (Or use the site uploader feature, or email me the PRG file, I'll be happy to add it.)

Quick question: you mention "CIA is back" in the scrolltext. There was a CIA group on Plus/4, and dozens with this handle on C64. Are you referencing any of those?

Posted By

on 2024-12-22
 Re: My first 6502 is finished!

yeah, its the same cia. Sarah (commodoreblog) did the message - im just the code monkey :) I don't personally know any of the others, or their output really. I'm not an old scener.. I think shes gonna put it on pouet as a cia release.
I'm a hardware guy really, the coding was a necessary accident for some spectrum stuff I did last year and I kinda enjoyed it. In fact I only came on here cos I was trying to make a +4 cartridge and got side tracked....

Posted By

on 2024-12-22
 Re: My first 6502 is finished!

Csabo: references one Plus/4 group and 19(!) C=64 groups (all named CIA)
Fuzzweed: yeah, it's the same one


Posted By

on 2024-12-23
 Re: My first 6502 is finished!

Thank you for the message, Christmas is coming! happy

I really liked the effect on the text message, and the third part's moving coins in the background was a nice touch too.

Yeah, I planned to make a Christmas PETSCII this year but I was not in the mood. No snow, no such music can be played at home... Seems your video message could be the start to start some Christmas this year! Thanks!

Posted By

on 2024-12-24
 Re: My first 6502 is finished!

@csabo oh. I thought you meant lots of releases not lots of groups. I dunno then. There is *a* cia but I don't know which it is.

The prg is up. Christmas is awesome 4

Posted By

on 2024-12-24
 Re: My first 6502 is finished!

@Fuzzweed if I could suggest, the 64K type that you assigned on Pouët refers to PC 64kB limited demos, it doesn't indicate the specific memory usage like the 64K that you assign here to affirm that your demo runs on a 64kB configurated system.

Posted By

on 2024-12-24
 Re: My first 6502 is finished!

Thanks for the info. Sarah posted that, I'll pass the message back....

Posted By

on 2024-12-24
 Re: My first 6502 is finished!

@Fuzzwed also, Sarah asked for subscription here, I told her to write a mail to me or @Csabo.

Posted By

on 2024-12-24
 Re: My first 6502 is finished!

She's (back) in. Thanks. Probably will get round to adding credits at some point....

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