Posted By
 m.farrell1972@hot... on 2024-11-13 15:13:14
| Yape On Windows 11
I originally had a C16 but been using Yape for the last few years to run some of the new 64K downloads. Turbo Outruns' musicbox runs fine but can't seem to get the game to load. Just seems to hang.
Only recently upgraded to Win 11 and the left CTRL (which is the commodore key), when you press it shifts case. It should only do this with shift + CTRL. I don't know if this is a keyboard fault.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2024-11-13 15:21:35
| Re: Yape On Windows 11
Windows 11 reporting in: YAPE runs fine here, and so does Turbo Outrun That's good news, we should be able to get yours working as well.
Things to check: make sure you have the latest version (1.2.4). You should back up (i.e. rename) your "yape.ini" file, then delete it. This will reset everything in YAPE to factory defaults. Check that your drive settings are set for Drive 8 1541 CPU level emulation.
Did that help?
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2024-11-13 15:53:19
| Re: Yape On Windows 11
I remember recently finding that Yape didn't work properly in 1541 mode. Try 1551 emulation. 
Posted By
 siz on 2024-11-13 16:13:19
| Re: Yape On Windows 11
Lame tip: check your caps lock as it acts as shift lock on the real machine.
edit: as for Turbo Outrun check your drive emulation config. it should be 1541 or 1551 in CPU level/compatiblity mode. 1551 IEC level emulation is not (yet) supported.
Posted By
 JimmyCoupe on 2024-11-14 10:17:05
 | Re: Yape On Windows 11
I run Windows 11 and have a million and one emulators running on it and I am happy to report I have no issues with YAPE and Windows 11. Maybe its a windows driver related issue????
If it refused to work then report the issue and the PC spec to the Yape developer, if they don't know then they can't help. In the mean time there is always Vice .
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2024-11-14 11:47:18
| Re: Yape On Windows 11
@JimmyCoupe: You were trying to say "In the mean time there is always plus4emu ," didn't you? VICE is very much not on the recommended emulators list.
Posted By
 JimmyCoupe on 2024-11-14 12:46:17
 | Re: Yape On Windows 11
I like vice it powers my BMCplus4 beauty and runs everything. Randy the author is awesome 
Posted By
 m.farrell1972@hot... on 2024-11-27 13:03:24
| Re: Yape On Windows 11
Sorry I haven't responded been occupied with work. The run up to Christmas is always busy. Thanks for all the replies and will try them out. I'll let you know how I get on.
Posted By
 m.farrell1972@hot... on 2024-11-27 13:13:29
| Re: Yape On Windows 11
Changed the drive emulation to 1551 cpu emulation and Turbo Outrun loaded. I'll need to see if the controls are on it's download page. The CTRL key is still doing the character shift. I'll try another keyboard. Thanks for the advice.