Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2024-07-25 07:53:23
| Plus4 memory map from phoenix?
Hi! I just downloaded a memory map for the Plus4 from and looked at it first and noticed near the end of the file a reference to "phoenix" in an unofficial jump table. What is that? Also, how do I use the memory access routines there?
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2024-07-25 09:39:53
| Re: Plus4 memory map from phoenix?
reference to "phoenix" in an unofficial jump table. What is that? PHOENIX, after some search on the Internet, is the cartridge ROM initialization routine in later KERNALs (264, C128, C65).
how do I use the memory access routines there? Take a deep breath, download, open it on page 83 (3-21) and learn it. Also, there are many more publications on programming in the section of the site. Studying ROM dis-assemblies may also give additional insights.
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2024-07-25 14:51:19
| Re: Plus4 memory map from phoenix?
I'm sorry about the stupid question about phoenix: I should've done more research on the subject. I had a hard time finding the information about the memory access routines but found it. I like YAPE now but can look via the WinVice xplus4 monitor at the mentioned routines, as I am mostly familiar with WinVice's monitors. Thank you.
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2024-07-27 15:08:19
| Re: Plus4 memory map from phoenix?
Thank you for your information. I'd prefer labels and comments but will look at your link now. 
Posted By
 SukkoPera on 2024-07-27 16:12:33
| Re: Plus4 memory map from phoenix?
Why read that terrible book where they didn't even bother to decode the strings, when we have the full KERNAL and BASIC source code in original form with labels and comments?
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2024-07-27 18:06:38
| Re: Plus4 memory map from phoenix?
SukkoPera: I thank you for rescuing me. Where can I find such?
Posted By
 SukkoPera on 2024-07-28 02:48:20
| Re: Plus4 memory map from phoenix?
I thought everybody knew: cbmsrc. Search for "TED".
@Csabo: Maybe we should add it in the Encyclopedia.
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2024-07-28 04:15:01
| Re: Plus4 memory map from phoenix?
Thank you. 
Posted By
 Csabo on 2024-07-28 16:11:46
| Re: Plus4 memory map from phoenix?
Nice find, I did not know about this one either. We can definitely add links to it in the Encyclopedia where appropriate, but otherwise I've added it to Tools/Documentation.
Posted By
 orac81 on 2024-08-02 08:35:30
| Re: Plus4 memory map from phoenix?
Just a side issue: the c64 programmers ref guide has been converted into a pure ASCII text file (with bit of ASCII art for the illustrations). This makes searching for a reference like "phoenix" easy. Would be nice to have that for the plus 4. The only versions I have seen were pdf collections of JPG/PNG scans..
Posted By
 orac81 on 2024-08-02 10:35:42
| Re: Plus4 memory map from phoenix?
..(cont).. In case you don't know what I refer to..
C64 prg ref guide "c64prg10.txt"
Only 1 mb, 248k zipped. Someone could put it on 2 d64 disk images, and write little 80 column viewer which unzips and displays it on a real c64/+4/c16!
Posted By
 SVS on 2024-08-02 12:47:56
 | Re: Plus4 memory map from phoenix?
From my Ultimate Map: $FCF9 [PHOENIX]: If a non-null value is found at $05EC.. $05EF then it is compared with the table at $FC7B… If it is exists then the bank is set and ROM is executed (JMP $8000).