Posted By
 Csabo on 2024-03-29 09:07:29
| Kondi Krush!
Katch the latest kreation on Kommodore Plus/4 - Kondi Krush! Krafted with kare and keenness, this kaptivating game promises hours of krazy fun. Kome and konquer the kolorful world of Kondi Krush today!
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2024-03-30 09:07:29
| Re: Kondi Krush!
We really needed a game of this kind. Nice job! However, presentation and especially input handling desperately needs polish.
Hey, Csabo! When I read your news item, I thought it is already April 1st. It was cool. 
Posted By
 Csabo on 2024-03-30 09:28:01
| Re: Kondi Krush!
Since the game's title is an alliteration (with no regard to grammatical correctness), I figured it would be fun to continue in that vein 
As a first effort, it's a great achievement! I don't want to criticize their effort too much just because of that. The most diplomatic way I can put it is "there's lots of room for improvement". For one, I don't know what causes it, but pressing "I" on the screen where it should be info occasionally doesn't work, and just moves the selection down instead.
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2024-03-30 10:08:49
| Re: Kondi Krush!
My guess would be that information is available only on unlocked levels. That move of selection bracket is part of the need for polish.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-04-02 10:58:24
 | Re: Kondi Krush!
The author has niw fixed the I key bug, please could someone take the new version from the Hungarian Facebook group and upload it here? Thanks in advance.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2024-04-02 11:46:34
| Re: Kondi Krush!
I got an email from him as well, the new version is up on P4W.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-04-13 07:20:43
 | Re: Kondi Krush!
This saturday, I gave it a longrun looking for a possible ending by platinum it up. It took hours to accomplish it reaching three stars for all the 36 levels, – you know, neither a save option nor a password system, you must finish in one long run – and when this has been achieved, the game changed graphics, trashing out the fruits and putting in the valves, basically restarting from zero! Obviously, I had to endorse my own surviving against restarting the game in the valves fashion.
Please, if you code a game which takes a dozen hours to be completed, please consider a password system too.
Side note: the game screen has been designed to display a 2 digits number for the collected stars, a three digits number wraps from the left side.
Posted By
 Mad on 2024-04-15 02:54:04
| Re: Kondi Krush!
Ah again some of these Csabo Gems like the 2048 thingy.
Posted By
 AnyStone on 2024-04-23 14:03:14
| Re: Kondi Krush!
Luca! First of all: Thank you for playing with this game! The idea of saving (or the track code) comes up, but unfortunately it was not included (there was no time). The game can be played to end in about 10 minutes (not 3 stars) and the graphics are still changed. At least you noticed that. By the way, when the graphics change, it tells you what you have to do to not have to play it again (hehe, there is a code for it ). But there are other surprises in the game, and as far as I can see, you can guess what it is 
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-04-24 06:26:55
 | Re: Kondi Krush!
Thanks for your feedback @AnyStone. I've found and added the three items variant activable in the Credits page. Does it mean that the game has not real ending, and one item set indicates the other at the end of the 36 levels? And basically there's no particular reward for the overall stars achievement?
Posted By
 AnyStone on 2024-04-24 07:55:16
| Re: Kondi Krush!
@Luca: The gift is that you get a new graphics kit. The levels stay the same, the scores/stars stay the same. Only the graphics change when you finish all levels. You dont need to play all level again. Only for fun :)