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Posted By

on 2024-02-21
 hannes ram im yape.

Hi good afternoon.

At 74 years old I play with the Plus4 (Yape).
The Hannes Ram can be switched on in Yape.

I play with the madpascal.

How can you please write to the HANNES RAM (256kb) with madpascal/ASM and read it out again?

I would like to writeplease a few bytes of data to the 4 HANNES RAMs and read them out again.


Posted By

on 2024-02-22
 Re: hannes ram im yape.

With Hannes/Solder expansion you can switch between 4 memory banks (64K each), but you cannot use more than one at time. To pass from a bank to another you have to use the BANK command (if OS92 was loaded) or to poke $FD16 with the bank value (0...3) . You can OR with 8 to obtain that the area $0...$3FFF does remain common despite the bank changing.
The above means that if you don't have a proper written program (for examples: SVS MEGA ASSEMBLER or SUMMER GAMES), you just can switch between the banks before to run it, but you'll work with standard 64K RAM.

Posted By

on 2024-02-24
 Re: hannes ram im yape.

Here are the original instructions from Solder for the 256KB expansion. Maybe it will help you.



Haegar/Haranni wink

Posted By

Harry Potter
on 2024-02-24
 Re: hannes ram im yape.

If anybody here is interested, I have a library for cc65 and the Plus4 target that provides up to 128k of Hannes memory--okay, more like 122k. It is called MemBankP4 and available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/cc65extra/files/memory%20cfgs/. Right now, its main drawbacks are that it only supports two banks and is incomplete, but it has a lot of string and memory functions to access the extra memory almost as main memory and allows quick access to any byte or word in the extra memory. Try it out!

Posted By

on 2024-02-24
 Re: hannes ram im yape.

@Haegar: Your link gives me an "Access denied" message, claiming not logged in.

Posted By

on 2024-02-24
 Re: hannes ram im yape.

@ SVS I send you a PM

Posted By

Harry Potter
on 2024-02-24
 Re: hannes ram im yape.

Umm...I'd like a copy of the PDF also. Haegar: Is there another location of it? If not, I can give you my e-mail, but I think I should be a little paranoid about my personal information and not give any more than I need to. happy

Posted By

on 2024-02-24
 Re: hannes ram im yape.

Solder's webpage is still available and has a ton of information on his creations. You can find a usable programmers' instruction of the 256kB memory expansion among them.

Posted By

on 2024-02-24
 Re: hannes ram im yape.

Try this zip file in particular. But that means you will have to do some low-level register writes, I don't know is Madpascal has a better mechanism.

Posted By

Harry Potter
on 2024-02-24
 Re: hannes ram im yape.

I looked at the link you provided, but the closest I could find was a battery-packed EPROM emulator. sad I also couldn't find his actual web page.

Posted By

Harry Potter
on 2024-02-24
 Re: hannes ram im yape.

SukkoPera: I shouldn't have asked that question, as I already have the docs, and MemBankP4 does that. Sorry! I was looking for more information, and I'm about to download your link now.

Posted By

on 2024-02-25
 Re: hannes ram im yape.

I looked at the link you provided, but the closest I could find was a battery-packed EPROM emulator. sad I also couldn't find his actual web page.
I am truly sorry, but that's hilarious. Would you consider changing your handle to Ron Weasley, please?

Posted By

on 2024-02-25
 Re: hannes ram im yape.

I sent the PDF to Luca so that he could publish it here.

Posted By

on 2024-02-26
 Re: hannes ram im yape.

The 256K RAM (Hannes) entry has been updated with new stuff.

Posted By

on 2024-02-26
 Re: hannes ram im yape.

And here's the OCR'd German text:
Hinweise zur 256k-Erweiterung

Der RAM des Plus/4 wurde auf 256k erweitert, von denen je nach Programmierung 200 oder 240 kByte genutzt werden können. Das Umschalten der 4 RAM-Ebenen geschieht absturzfrei, da der untere RAM (Zeropage, Stack, erweiterte Zeropage, Farb- und Bildschirmspeicher) immer erhalten bleibt. Per Software ist es möglich, die Umschaltgrenze zwischen $1000 oder $4000 zu wählen, wodurch eine flexible Nutzung der Erweiterung gewährleistet ist. Um Kompatibilität zum normalen Plus/4 zu erreichen, wurde für die Selektierung der Ebenen ein Speicherbereich gewählt, der im normalen Plus/4 nicht ansprechbar ist, da die Konstrukteure diesen "verschenkt" hatten. Normale Standardsoftware lauft ohne Einschränkungen auf dem umgebauten Rechner.

Adressen der Erweiterung
Der Parallel-Port des Original-Userports wird normal mit Adresse 64784 ($FD10) angesprochen, ist aber original mit den Adressen $FD10-$FD1F ansprechbar. Dies wurde durch weitere Decodierung der Adressen geändert. Der Port kann jetzt nur noch mit Adresse $FD10 erreicht werden, was aber ausreicht, da Standardsoftware diesen Port immer mit $FD10 anspricht. Nun stehen die Adressen $FD11 bis $FD17 für andere Zwecke zur Verfügung. Adresse $FD16 wird für die RAM-Erweiterung benutzt, Adresse $FD17 für die interne EPROM-Erweiterung. Die Adressen $FD11 bis $FD15 können individuell für weitere Ports (mit Portschaltkreisen 6529B) genutzt werden.

Hier noch mal die Liste der benutzten Adressen:
64784 $FD10 Original Userport
64785 $FD11 Zusatzport 1 (nicht eingebaut)
64786 $FD12 Zusatzport 2 (nicht eingebaut)
64787 $FD13 frei
64788 $FD14 frei
64789 $FD15 frei
64790 $FD16 RAM-Ebenen-Register
64791 $FD17 EPROM-Ebenen-Register (nicht eingebaut)

Demnächst sind beim C16 auch Erweiterungen auf 512k oder sogar 1 MB möglich. Beim Plus/4 demnächst 512k. Bitte dazu die Anzeigen im C-F, in Softy, Club-Info und PLUVI beachten. Eine schon vorhandene Erweiterung wird weiterverwendet.

Sollten Programme nicht laufen, obwohl Kopier- und Programmfehler ausgeschlossen werden können, so können Sie folgendas probieren: Vor dem Laden: POKE 64790,x wobei x Werte von 0-2 und 128-130 annehmen kann. Danach noch POKE 4096,0 und NEW. Dann programm laden und versuchen zu starten. Bisher sind mir nur zwei Programme bekannt: "Best Letter Writer!" mit x=2 und “Digital Magic" x=0. Besitzer von OS92 koönnen auch BANK x eingeben.

And the translaton to English (courtesy of Google Translator):
Notes on the 256k expansion

The RAM of the Plus/4 has been expanded to 256k, of which 200 or 240 kByte can be used depending on the programming. Switching the 4 RAM levels is crash-free because the lower RAM (zeropage, stack, extended zeropage, color and screen memory) is always retained. It is possible via software to choose the switching limit between $1000 or $4000, which ensures flexible use of the extension. In order to achieve compatibility with the normal Plus/4, a memory area was chosen for selecting the levels that cannot be addressed in the normal Plus/4 because the designers had "given it away". Normal standard software runs without restrictions on the converted computer.

Extension addresses

The parallel port of the original user port is normally addressed with address 64784 ($FD10), but can originally be addressed with the addresses $FD10-$FD1F. This was changed by further decoding the addresses. The port can now only be reached with address $FD10, but this is sufficient since standard software always addresses this port with $FD10. Now the addresses $FD11 to $FD17 are available for other purposes. Address $FD16 is used for the RAM expansion, address $FD17 for the internal EPROM expansion. The addresses $FD11 to $FD15 can be used individually for additional ports (with port circuits 6529B).

Here is the list of the addresses used again:
64784 $FD10 Original user port
64785 $FD11 Additional port 1 (not installed)
64786 $FD12 additional port 2 (not installed)
64787 $FD13 free
64788 $FD14 free
64789 $FD15 free
64790 $FD16 RAM level register
64791 $FD17 EPROM level register (not installed)

Expansions to 512k or even 1 MB will soon be possible with the C16. With the Plus/4 soon 512k. Please note the advertisements in C-F, Softy, Club-Info and PLUVI. An existing extension will continue to be used.

If programs do not run, although copying and program errors can be ruled out, you can try the following: Before loading: POKE 64790,x where x can take values from 0-2 and 128-130. Then POKE 4096,0 and NEW. Then load the program and try to start. So far I only know of two programs: “Best Letter Writer!” with x=2 and “Digital Magic” x=0. OS92 owners can also enter BANK x.

I find the last sentence very interesting. What does POKE 4096,0 do?

EDIT: OK, found out in Ultimap:
Start of BASIC program area (if graphic area is not allocated)
Must always be $00; if not: SYNTAX ERROR

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