| Posted By
 Haegar on 2024-02-19 07:33:40
| What software do you use?
Just out of curiosity, what software do you use to develop your programs for the C16/Plus4? When I restarted about a year ago, it wasn't easy at the beginning to find something simple to get back into the topic of programming. Now I almost use CBM prg Studio for basic, assembler but also for creating character sets or screen content.
For graphics I use Multi Botticelli or if I want to convert something quickly www.mcdraw.xyz.
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2024-02-19 08:15:32
| Re: What software do you use?
Hi! I mainly use cc65 for my Plus4 programs but often sprinkle inline assembler throughout my code. I'm sad to say that I haven't been using graphics, though. 
Posted By
 SVS on 2024-02-19 12:34:11
 | Re: What software do you use?
Well, even if it is a while that I code (cause lack of sparetime) i confirm that CBM-Prg-Studio is my favorite. It can manage a large source Basic program, that later can be compiled by AustroSpeed. It has incorporated also a good char editor. I did collaborate with the author A. Jordison to remove bugs and to make better other features.
Posted By
 bszggg on 2024-02-19 13:13:51
| Re: What software do you use?
Now, I'm using the cbm prg studio for the mouse driver and I use the original machine for the basic examples.
Do somebody use the original machine?
Posted By
 Haegar on 2024-02-19 15:21:38
| Re: What software do you use?
I actually only use the original machine for testing, no longer for programming. I also tried TRSE. I don't know much about programming languages like Pascal or C#, so it was a little bit difficult for me.
Posted By
 Charlemagne on 2024-02-20 05:31:05
| Re: What software do you use?
It is really true that CBM Program Studio is a professional development environment with a lot of useful tools and spectacular design for catching "EyeCandy"-people as the Apple products does... but "As many houses as many customs". Well, in short, it is for everything (C64, VIC20, CP4, etc.), so you cannot see the forest for the trees, sometimes.
I prefer the following theory in development: "Attempt to make everything as simple as possible" (,but it's not so simple). Yes this is a bit modified version of Albert Einstein's citation.
Commodore Plus/4 was that machine in my life "who" made me fall in love with computer programming, so I started to develop an IDE in 2017 (LUMYDCTT), just only for this computer. Dedicated to my old happy childhood...
It is neither so professional, but nor so bad... 
Posted By
 cobbpg on 2024-02-20 07:01:09
| Re: What software do you use?
I don't like very specialised environments. I use Sublime Text for editing code, which gives me the ability to jump to symbols within a project and easily do multi-line changes. It's also fast; I can start it up or switch between projects in less than a second. As for building binaries, I use Kick Assembler (due to the power of its macro system and scoping features) and its Sublime plugin. It's very easy to customise the build process and even the format of the resulting binaries, and I used this setup to develop for C64, Plus/4 and Apple II so far.
When it comes to graphics, my go-to editor is CharPad (also for TED machines) and SpritePad. Being mostly a programmer, I don't work with bitmaps all that much, and CharPad's support for them is usually enough to make the small edits I need. Its big advantage is that it can produce output in many forms (both assembly source and binary), and it can also be used to import art from binary dumps.
Of course sometimes the existing tools just simply don't serve the needs of a specific project. For instance, when I ported Stunt Car Racer to the Apple II, I made my own HGR bitmap editor. It turns out that nowadays it's really easy to build ad hoc tools like this in JS to deal with whatever peculiar requirements you might have. If there's need for generating graphics, then I usually reach for Unity and write it in C#. For instance, I took advantage of their Burst system to write a really fast converter for the 3D animations used in my current project. In general, it's typical that I end up creating some bespoke tool for pretty much all projects, because I'm interested in pushing new boundaries.
As for music, I usually prototype ideas in SunVox, because it's convenient to jump into quickly when I have a spark of inspiration. If I find an idea that works, then I move to GoatTracker or whatever would be specific to the target platform.
Posted By
 Lavina on 2024-02-20 09:14:08
 | Re: What software do you use?
Everybody knows that I use Excel 
And of course CBM PRG Studio.
Posted By
 Haegar on 2024-02-20 12:17:25
| Re: What software do you use?
@cobbpg - CharPad C16 looks nice, maybe I'll test it on one of my next projects. Does anyone else have experience with the tool?
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