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on 2024-02-15
 Re: Novaload Serial Number Field for Games Table

That's all very fair points and well explained, thank you @Luca.

I've got some compilations myself, so willl do some loading on my Plus/4 next week (away this weekend) to see if any of them are different Novaload serials from the originals. I do suspect some remastering has gone on (I added the Novaload serial to 10 Computer Hits 3 for that reason as you mentined) and notable why the software companies did that and didn't use all the original masters.

I say that due to my experience of noting all the loading systems The Hit Squad used for their C64 releases - I've spoken in some length to Paul Hughes (Ocean Freeload creator) and basically the first Hit Squad ones used HitLoad, with a premise that Ocean were going to use cheaper quality tape so needed loading to be slower. However, it looked like it was actually cheaper to where possible use the original masters instead of remastering it, so that plan went by the wayside. I've got a sheet somewhere where I've been tracking these compared to the original releases.

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