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Posted By

on 2024-02-13
 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

Hi folks,

I got out the 1530USB device yesterday and attempted to do two TAP images, one for each cassette (they are labelled A and B) for 10 Computer Hits 3 - I've actually got two copies of this compilation so more chances to get something clean.

Cassette B appears to have worked fine (I can upload the TAP to the uploader soon @Luca if you like) - but Cassette A has proven to be more problematic. It appears this is due to the Anirog turbo loader that accompanies Skramble, it tries to load and the border stripes appear, but then resets each time. Even tweaking the settings for sensitivity etc didn't make a difference, so am wondering if there's some form of tape to tape protection going on.

Incidentally, apart from that and Space Pilot (different Anco turbo, loads in two parts and works) the rest all use the same Novaload serial K100004 - I've added that info to the game description page in the notes which may prove useful for checking any other sources.

Question is, if anyone has any better transfer kit, is anyone willing to give this compilation the TAP treatment? I'm UK based so happy for example if @MIK wants to volunteer it - or anyone else who can asisst.

Posted By

on 2024-02-13
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

Thank you for your time @Waz. There should be no copy protections active into that tape. I experienced something of that kind in two cases: dumping the tapes in V2 instead of V1 (certain turbos can be copied down with V1 too), and due to the sensibility factor (reduce that to the real minimum possible).

Posted By

on 2024-02-13
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

@Waz, Anything that uses the standard save routine or Novaload is classed as the same as C64 & Vic20 recording wise, also known as fullwav.

Unique to C16/Plus4 is halfwav, this is normally a turbo that isn't Novaload. And that's possibly why your method of recording has issues with some games if you can't set halfwav, it's the turbo being used and all Anirog games use halfwav. Thrust is a Halfwav, give it a try and if it doesn't work don't worry, your know why if it fails.

I use Mtap to make tap's which also has an option for halfwav. It's a PC Dos program, I have to run it via Dos on an old Win98 PC. And I use a special serial cable which has a 1531 connector and use a real C16/Plus4 cassette deck.

PM me your email.

Posted By

on 2024-02-13
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

Cheers @Luca and @MIK - I think Skramble probably does class into the halfwav category, as Space Plilot appears to be a later Kingsoft/Anco turbo, and that transferred as part of the Side B recording and WAV conversion without issues.

I'm looking at getting a DC2N LC version 4, as that also can cope with halfwav recordings (and would be handy for C64 and C16/Plus 4 backups equally.) I know a lot of C64 owners have said how good the DC2N series is generally, so may be handy for reference for future.

One potential option I thought of was to record the other four games into one TAP image, and use some form of TAP merging to add the existing TAP of Skramble in - having done a comparison with that one, the turbo load is the same.

I'll send you over a PM @Mik shortly.

Posted By

on 2024-02-13
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

Tap Manager splits and merges TAP files, if this can be of some help.

Posted By

on 2024-02-13
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

@Waz That idea of recording the whole tape if recording fullwav/wholewav as one tap won't work with halfwav turbos in the middle. The halfwav game/s will be recorded as a fullwav/wholewav.

But if you have something that can record halfwav you 'can' record the whole tape as a halfwav and everything will work, Standard save & Novaload will work recorded as halfwav.

While the process of how I do it is long winded... It helps. I test to make sure the games actually load fine on a real machine and if they do that's most of the job done as I then use the same 1531 to make the tap's.

Posted By

on 2024-02-16
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

A package on its way to @MIK as we speak with 10 Computer Hits 3 in, so hopefully that can be archived successfully with two full Cassette A and Cassette B TAP images, and all should be well.

I'll be hopefully getting a DC2N soon (Luigi di Fraia has been in touch) which can do halfwaves, so that'll be handy for any future archiving I want to do for both C16 and C64 (apparently it can do MSX and BBC as well..)

Posted By

on 2024-02-17
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

Taps uploaded. Both are halfwav taps and are complete recordings of the whole of one side of each cassette. All games tested and load fine in Yape.

As most of Anco's games are halfwav turbos, I thought it best to have this Space Pilot as a halfwav just to be safe..., the original release with the Winter Demo are halfwav, or should be. I made them. wink

Posted By

on 2024-02-18
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

Thank you MIK, the TAPs are up and tomorrow I'll split the files into single program's TAPs. The adding of the original taoes for 10 Computer Hits 3 has revealed that we need to find the original releases on TAP file for Psychedelia and Circus.

Posted By

on 2024-02-19
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

Pretty sure @Luca I have an original tape of Psychedelia.

I'l dig it out tonight and see what can be done with it to transfer it successfully.

Posted By

on 2024-02-19
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

Would be very nice @Waz, thank you. And in general, speaking to all of you/us: search for the term WANTED in the search field, to see what is missing yet.

Posted By

on 2024-02-19
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

Good work guys!

If I remember correct the original Psychedelia does not have a turbo. Any issues let me know, 2 more copies standing by if need be.

Posted By

on 2024-02-19
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

As @MIK correctly stated, the original Psychedelia release has no turbo - so captured that tonight, and tests in both YAPE and WinVICE 3.8 showed all good. So it's been uploaded now.

Posted By

on 2024-02-19
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

And it's up!

Posted By

on 2024-02-20
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

Nice one!

Posted By

on 2024-02-21
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

By the way, there is a flaw in the Novaload version of Circus: after loading, the load vector is set to the Novaload routine. If you want to load an old game at the start, try loading it with Novaload. However, saving a game is always done in the normal format.

By the way, the same error is also contained in all 4 adventures by Scott Adams Scoops, which are all saved with Novaload.

Posted By

on 2024-02-21
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

Well spotted, RĂ¼diger! Adding some notes right now.

Posted By

on 2024-02-21
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

I've got Circus, and a TAP should be coming soon.

On the subject of Circus and the rest of the Mysterious Adventures series, it looks like Channel 8 Software never actually released the C16 versions. According to an article in Micro Adventurer, February 1985, the (then planned) C16 versions by Adventure International (U.K.) were involved in a legal dispute between AI UK and Channel 8. Then in another article the following month, AI UK acquired the rights to the Mysterious Adventures series. Channel 8 entered liquidation that same month.

So it looks like the 'Channel 8' releases were actually released by AI UK, recycling old Channel 8 boxes. I've got that version of Circus, and the cassette label has Adventure International UK branding, no mention of Channel 8.

It also looks like the release dates are incorrect, they should be no earlier than 1985.

Posted By

on 2024-02-22
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

This means that Channel 8 has nothing to do with the Commodore 16 releases and its realtive entry here will be deleted. Also, I decisely must spend some spare time to trigger around Adventure International (UK) and include Adventure International too, there's lotta confusion among their releases and it's time to clarify who's who.

Posted By

on 2024-02-24
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3 and TAPping

Circus material acquired! Thank you!

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