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on 2023-10-30
 Re: Daley Thompson's Star Events

My old video of this game was hit with the copyright notice..., it was at the time the only video I had made that was forced to have advertising. A few years later the advertising was removed when YouTube started to recognise video games were a completely different thing compared to TV, Movies and Commercial Music.

So yeah YouTube's AI now correctly see's it as a video game. If you check the Hall of Fame on the games page you can find a link to my video. Click on the video description and your see added info by YouTube of what they regard it as.
Note, since Google's take over of YouTube any video can have forced advertising like it or not. It's not only used to cover copyright infringements that YouTube might receive but also to make money, including automatically covering the cost of your content being on Youtube.

So while your fine to upload C16/Plus4 related footage and audio, you might be breaking copyright using other people's photos linked to the movies, books ect.. I would remake the video without these copyright photos. Showing the game cover artwork is fine though.

And remember this... All copyright to the game belongs to Ocean Software who I don't believe obtained permission to use the music as there is no mention on the tape or cover crediting the music's owners and this was the reason why I never took my video down! grin

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