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on 2023-08-21
 Re: Lemmings +4

One word: revenge! In 2004 TCFS has shown his first attempt on big screen at 4Ever03 explaining why that approach wasn't able to take anywhere. There's a picture of the audience where my allucinated face expression can witness how complicate and, at the same time, impressive was the great work behind it.

Now is 2023, Lemmings is full reality after 19 years since then, the 2024 means a 40th anniversary for the Plus/4 (and, my 2ยข, Hungary should spend some spare words of celebration for the machine which started a generation of coders after the lift off of the CoCom), so I definitely stand for a 4Ever24 party in Szeged!

Ah, and let's see what Zzap! will say about it. No, not the mediocre and uselessly nostalgic Zzap!64 from UK, but the supercool Italian multiplatform version, of course.

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