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on 2023-07-29
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I think the situation is much more complex than that. The plus/4 scene has always been divided into cliques, and i'm not only talking about the teams, but also the fans, some of whom are only interested in the demoscene, others just retro, pull out the old games and that's it. And then there are those who don't give a shit about what might be in demand, don't do "market research" and write the 1200th adventure game. This is also very interesting, but you can't help it, it's still a hobby, you can't tell people what to work on.

What Lavina misses is community, community feedback. On the one hand - although i don't want to put all the blame on Csabo, as we are all grateful to him for still carrying plus4world on his back after all these years - but this site is simply not fit for a vibrant community, just look at this 30+ year old oldschool format. On the other hand, very few people are active who can be expected to give any kind of feedback at all, but i don't think it was any different in the past. So plus4world is more like a huge database. That's all it is, you have to accept it. Maybe it's not just a database anymore, it's our bible.

The other thing you mentioned is that you didn't get any special news for your production. And the thing with that is that there is no really active news editor on the site, it's completely random, i mean news is posted when we write it ourselves. It's not index.hu grin So sorry, that's as far as i was able to go... Again, we can't expect the likes of Csabo and Luca to do long reviews of every product.

I think lemmings got the media attention, just not here, but on facebook. I don't know how to attract people from those 700+ Hungarian users, or even from the international groups of thousands. Perhaps not at all.

I've experienced this before with no reaction to my stuff, but i let it go beyond a point, because i'm sure many people watch/play these productions, they just don't bother to put even a heart next to the stuff. (Of course they can't grin)

And we will never be able to "catch up" with the C64 scene, because they sold nearly 10x as many machines back then, so the scene is that much bigger. That's a big difference.

Last but not least, love Lavina, Csabo and the rest! Keep pushing, keep pushing, i'm really looking forward to the next Section 31 production!

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