Posted By
 Luca on 2023-04-05 03:10:54
 | [Help] Calling UK users!
Graham Spuffard owns some programs coded by him 35 years ago on cassettes, as at the moment he has no PC not even less the right hardware to dump'em onto .TAP files, but he himself has expressed his desire to preserve this piece of his history (and we all appreciate him! ), so here's it is: we need an UK based friend disposed to receive his cassette and dump it. That would be easier than send it outside UK (arrrgh Breeexiiiittt! ), although even in the worst case of the nobody-available-in-Albion kind I can do it by myself 
Any brave volunteer?
Posted By
 Spuff on 2023-04-05 03:22:49
| Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
Thanks Luca! So happy to have found this place and you guys.
I look forward to much time on the machine over our holiday weekend!
Posted By
 Wayne on 2023-04-05 12:35:51
| Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
Is it worth Contacting Frank Gasking at ? YES, he is primarily C64 BUT... He does Preserve other Important Machines Too !
Posted By
 shoulders on 2023-04-05 16:52:56
| Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
I am in the UK and do have the kit to sample tapes. I have sampled about 100 tapes myself but still class myself as an amateur.
Posted By
 MIK on 2023-04-06 01:56:42
 | Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
If you still have your machine and it's working..., this might be just the thing your looking for... A SD2IEC drive for your Plus/4.
SD2IEC example:
C16/Plus4 cassette port power cable:
SD2IEC emulates a C64 style floppy drive, it uses a standard SD card as one massive floppy disc for .prg & .d64 files. You can LOAD/SAVE to it using a real C16/Plus4 or C64 ect and anything you download to PC you can copy to the SD card for your C16/Plus4 to enjoy!
There is also a little C16 loader program that lists everything on the SD card when using the real machines, including stuff in folders and one click on the file and it will start to load. Very easy, the only thing to remember is to make sure your download file names on the SD card are no longer than 12 letters, or 16 if you include .PRG at the end so they are easy to read on C16/Plus/4. Example: "MY SOFTWARE".PRG That's 11 letters including the space for the file name. Anything longer than 12 letters will not show in full on the real hardware. What you have on PC makes no difference if it's 12 or 30 letters, just the real machines this applies.
And going back to your tape... Each of your programs on the tape, load each one on Plus/4 and then save to SD using SAVE"MY PROG 1",8 Once on SD card your free to copy, share or do what ever with your PC. And of course there are many hundreds of programs on this site you can download and use on your real machine.
Check out Youtube video's for more info, just to see if it's something that would interest you. They also sell them on ebay but the price is more expensive!
Posted By
 Spuff on 2023-04-06 04:16:59
| Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
Mik, wow ok, thanks for that, will get one ordered. Looks like it will save time and effort. I will just have to find the time to fix my keyboard first before I upload to here. I can't save anything currently as my S, V and E don't work. At least I still have LOAD and RUN keys plus return so at least I can play games!
Posted By
 Spuff on 2023-04-06 04:18:17
| Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
I have no PC or laptop but can borrow someones once I have the programs on an SD card.
Thanks all.
Posted By
 Spuff on 2023-04-06 05:18:47
| Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
Thanks shoulders! I might go back to the putting on a tape option. I didn't want to spend that on the bits. I'm tight as they come and my other hobbies have cost me a fortune these last 3 months.... If parcels keep turning up with toys for me my wife might start to become less understanding!
Posted By
 shoulders on 2023-04-06 05:28:12
| Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
I might have an old motherboard that I might be able to get working (i think cap replacements) with a parallel port that works with mtap. It just about runs windows 7 but is great for DOS. I will have a look tonight when I get home.
I will also have a look for a case, keyboard and other stuff. You will have to at least find a monitor.
Do you want me to try and get it working. If it works I can send down to you for no cost, assuming mainland UK.
Posted By
 Spuff on 2023-04-06 07:08:03
| Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
Thanks shoulders but that sounds like going to a whole load of trouble. I'll go the copy to master tape route for now. If that doesn't work I can always load ( then save to fresh tape) all the best programs I did. I can't imagine there are that many worth sharing. I can then send it round anyone who is interested and if anyone wants to digitise it from then on to keep is fine. That is real old school like a travelling tape project!
Posted By
 shoulders on 2023-04-06 07:28:04
| Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
Just remember that you might not get that many good reads of an old tape. I would plan ahead before doing a run. maybe experiment with a tape that is already imaged such as a game to make sure everything works first.
I would happily digitize them as V2 TAPS when you are done with them.
Posted By
 Spuff on 2023-04-06 07:36:27
| Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
Ok I'll be careful with that in mind. Thanks, will get my keyboard sorted the next week. Ill load and do a fresh save to a fresh tape each time to minimise use of the old stuff. If you would be willing to digitise some for the group after that would be awesome! Yes I am mainland UK. Another thing is I am not that savvy on a PC these days so its a bit of a lack of confidence on my part too!
Posted By
 shoulders on 2023-04-06 07:40:27
| Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
Cool, check my article out for advise or imaging tapes and various hardware setups. It was difficult for me in the beginning.
I would also digitise them all if needed. Might as-well make use of my kit
Posted By
 MIK on 2023-04-07 08:37:33
 | Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
Before cleaning the keyboard, you still might be able to load and save to make a backup tape. If you hold the SHIFT key and press F2 it will print: DSAVE" If you type a program name and close the quotation marks, use arrow keys and delete key to remove the D. 
As for your faulty keys, dirty contacts are the main cause. The only issue you will have, the SHIFT LOCK key needs to be unsoldered.
Posted By
 Spuff on 2023-05-15 06:06:21
| Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
Thanks Mik!
Shoulders, the backup tape is done and checked and working, Where do you want it sent?
Posted By
 shoulders on 2023-06-19 13:15:49
| Re: [Help] Calling UK users!
Hi Graham
I can't send you a private message. So you can use and I will reply to you with my details.
I have successfully imaged the tape and checked the programs work on the tape I got from Graham. I just want to check my notes on a few things and then I will get them sent to the appropriate people.