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on 2022-11-28
 V364 Project

Hi, I started my V364 project last year but got sidetracked from it for various reasons. It's currently on hold while I work on other things but I just made a project page for it and thought I'd share:


Basically it's a project to recreate the V364 prototype computer. I already completed the keyboard with custom keycaps, and made a mockup case by hacking together two Plus/4 cases. I am still sorting out how to do the speech part, and also working on a 3D model of the real case. Eventually I'd also like to make a new motherboard but it'll depend on how the speech works out. I know this project will take a while to complete as I'm currently working on my CLCD recreation, but I hope to get back to it again soon. Comments or suggestions are welcome.

Also, I'm wondering if anyone has tried 3D printing something (sd2iec for example) and found PLA filament that is a match for the Plus/4 case colour?


Posted By

on 2022-11-28
 Re: V364 Project

I feel it is a very important project, as one of the last pictures of Jack Tramiel at Commodore was with this very special machine.
Frankly speaking, a little more or at least expandable built-in memory (256KB?), a 64KB 3+1 ROM package and an IEEE-488 cartridge could have been made the original 364 machine more serious computer than with the Toshiba speech IC. Certainly with the numeric keyboard the computer definitely looks more "serious" than the Plus/4.

The new motherboard with new layout represent a real challange (especially in cost), not to mention getting the speech IC as NOS. The speech ROM content centainly available, thanks to some enthusiasts.

Some points from my side for the "easy" project I would definitely buy (the 364 with the new motherboard + speech IC? Maybe):
-For me a Plus/4 motherboard compatible 364 housing would with a working numeric keyboard would better fit.
Certainly it would mean much lower project cost, and certainly not a faithful reproduction. Would be good enough for me, but maybe I am alone with that.
-The extra space could be used for some built-in peripheries, like internal SD drive (HDD happy ) and C64 type joystick connectors with a built-in converter + TED protector. Even a cooling fan?
-For me a white numeric buttons would better fit to the design, but maybe it is just me.

Posted By

on 2022-11-28
 Re: V364 Project

Certainly if I get to the stage of making a new motherboard then I could add a few extra features like memory or a SID chip. Right now I want to get the speech working which to me is the thing that makes the V364 unique. I'm also a fan of numeric keypads and the whole Plus/4 style case has always been something cool about the machine.
If I'm working on a new case then most likely I'd do a version that fits the plus/4 motherboard. Also, my mx keyboard is a complete keyboard, but I can also do a design for just the numeric pad which would make things a lot less expensive (custom keycaps were USD$90 a set).

Posted By

on 2022-11-28
 Re: V364 Project

This project of mine might save you some time and headaches happy.

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on 2022-11-28
 Re: V364 Project

Wasn't the V364 speech chip the same one as found in the Texas Speak & Spell electronic toy?

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on 2022-11-28
 Re: V364 Project

@MIK: you are right! Although not extremely cheap, you can find dozens on ebay

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on 2022-11-28
 Re: V364 Project

@SukkoPera I have seen the Little16 board as well as a Plus/4 board. Either should be a good starting point for a V364 board.

Posted By

on 2022-11-29
 Re: V364 Project

Yup, Stormtrooper's +4 project has been useful during the development of L16, but L16 went beyond, as the board has actually been routed, manufactured, assembled and fully tested. I think that at this point you can pretty much trust the schematics happy. And also the footprints, many of those in the +4 board turned out to be bad.

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on 2022-11-29
 Re: V364 Project

I did not realize that. That's good to know, thanks!

Posted By

on 2022-11-29
 Re: V364 Project

It would be great if we could first test the speech circuit by making some sort of "speech cart". That would benefit all the +4/C16 users. Does such a thing already exist?

Anyway, if you need help just ping me happy.

Posted By

on 2022-11-29
 Re: V364 Project

Great idea, made me remember this old post of mine happy


The PLA in all 264 series machines does decode the speech register addresses (the KERNAL even performs a reset!), so it should be kind of straightforward for someone knowledgeable to design the interface circuitry. The original V364 machine used a dedicated glue ASIC (MOS8706) as opposed to the Magic Voice cart for the C64 that applied the slightly more common MOS 6525 tri-port interface chip.

Posted By

on 2022-11-29
 Re: V364 Project

I am aware of the PLA decoding.

I have done further disassembly of the speech rom. I also patched it to run from a different bank, burned an eprom and tested it in a plus/4. I was able to enter and list speech programs and display the proper token strings. Of course it wouldn't actually speak wink As a side note, I added V364 speech tokens to my CBM-Transfer BASIC lister.

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