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on 2022-11-02
 Re: New Project: Hannes-compatible 256k RAM Expansion

I agree with most of your points.

The main reason behind discountinuing the BSz SIDCard is the unavailability of the used CPLD/FPGA (I don't know which). He should redesign the card for a new component and that would be too much work.

Behind the scenes I also started to do a reimplementation of the Hannes memory expansion several years ago but didn't had the time to actually build it. I based it on an FPGA and an adapter which plugs into TED socket and also adds ROM expansion support with a 512k flash ROM that can contain 32 16k ROM images and any of them can be mapped to any of the 8 ROM banks (including BASIC ROM and KERNAL) with inplace flashing of images with a plus/4 program.

But that's a completely different story and since then the FPGA used in that design is also discontinued.

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