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on 2022-08-12
 Re: Centipede tape

Thank you siz! Though its intrinsic nature of hacked and resold games, the Armati collection is considered to be a sort of must-have, and with Centipede we're one step closer to the completion.

randagio1972 scommetto che dopo l'ultimo carico di acquisti ne hai un bel po' di Armati che ci mancano e che un giorno o l'altro dovremmo trovarci per dumpare.

 Re: Centipede tape

Thank you siz! Though its intrinsic nature of hacked and resold games, the Armati collection is considered to be a sort of must-have, and with Centipede we're one step closer to the completion.

randagio1972 I bet after the last load of purchases, you have quite a few Armati we don't have, and that someday we should meet to dump.

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