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on 2003-06-14
 Vice 1.12 - Now supports CPLUS4 Emulation!

Vice now supports C16/Plus 4 Computers.

Very easy stage with loads of bugs, but its usable and great for the people with slower PCs than can't handle Yape 100%.


Posted By

on 2003-06-14
 Re: Vice 1.12 - Now supports CPLUS4 Emulation!

Thanks for the news! It's nice to see that it finally officially supports our beloved computer (although all the hardcore scene members were already using it...) I will add it to the tools database tomorrow.

Posted By

on 2003-06-15
 Re: Vice 1.12 - Now supports CPLUS4 Emulation!

Yes I found the news from the Lemon64 Forum.

Im a big fan of Vice because it runs fine on a 266mhz PC.

My Other C16/Plus4 Emulators (Yape 0.48, Minus4, etc) run too slow for my PC. Making all the games rather unplayable.

I been testing C16/Plus4 on Vice last night, and yes its very beta.
First things you would noticed that the colours are completely wrong in some games.
(Mercenary is one example.).

But as the Vice says, no bug reporting allowed as yet, due to its very new for Vice.

Posted By

on 2003-06-15
 Re: Vice 1.12 - Now supports CPLUS4 Emulation!

Turn on PAL emulation and check the colors that way, is it still off?
(You'll need to have your desktop at Truecolor(32bit mode) or in Highcolor. It will be slower, PAL emulation needs a lot of resources, but it is worth.

Posted By

on 2003-06-15
 Other emus too slow?

I was just going to ask you what speed your PC is, but you've already mentioned it. I'd be really interested in what percentage does YAPE achieve on your computer. Here at home, I have a Pentium 300Mhz, which I considered sooo old and lame (and I'm planning to buy a decent machine as soon as I can afford it - or this one dies wink) At work I have a 1.4Ghz. I'm surprised to hear that people are running even slower machines... Anyway, to the point: here YAPE does ~120%, which is "perfect". (On full throttle it's ~150%). I mean yours is just slightly slower than mine...

I use the following settings in YAPE:
-1541 emulation off
-Small Border
-Screen/Maximum FPS: 50

For games like Mercenary (when the screen is not updated every frame), you can change the Maximum FPS to 25, this will give you ~20% boost, and the game runs the same.

Also, on my machine Minus4w is running at 50 FPS, which is once again perfect for playing games. Then there's WinEMU, which runs the vast majority of classics, and it runs at >150%!!

Posted By

on 2003-06-15
 Re: Vice 1.12 - Now supports CPLUS4 Emulation!

Well, yesterday I had Yape 0.44, it was running at only about 66% then I upgraded to Yape 0.48 and now its running only at around 40%

Ill try your Yape setting you mentioned Csabo since your machine isnt much faster than mine. I hopefully I will get faster results.

Minus4 and WinEmu are actually run fine, but they don't seem as Plus4 compatible as Yape is. But then again, I should go and find some higher versions if they have been updated recently.

@Crown: I tried turning on PAL Emulation on in WinVice, (With Mercenary) and no still no luck, the grass is actually Bliue and the Sky is actaully Green.
Then I switched to NTSC and rebooted it up, but Mercenary runs odd and eventually crashed using NTSC. And yes Im using Hi-Color forWindows.

Posted By

on 2003-06-15
 Yape Setting Tested.

I just used the settings your were using now Csabo, and ive sped up Yape 0.48 from 40% to about 70%-75%

My Screen/Maximum had to be set at 25fps, while yours is 50fps.
Any less its all becoming noticable and jerky.

Well at least ive sped it up, Ive have to upgrade my CPU if I want it any faster I guess.

Posted By

on 2003-06-16
 Re: Vice 1.12 - Now supports CPLUS4 Emulation!

Goot start! It allready supports cpu level 1551 emulation. And it works! happy

Posted By

on 2003-06-16
 Re: Vice 1.12 - Now supports CPLUS4 Emulation!

The colours are still off, 11, 12, and 15 have their hue inverted. I helped Graham patch it, so hopefully it'll be fixed in the next release. If you want to compile the thing yourself, just change the last three -1 to 1 in the colour table in ted-color.c. Also, $ff10 and $ff12 are swapped, and that was easy to fix - the frq table is still wrong though (it's just the C64's). The biggest problem is that the screen starts at raster line 50, like the C64, and not on line 0. According to Graham this one's harder to fix...

Posted By

on 2003-06-16
 Re: Vice 1.12 - Now supports CPLUS4 Emulation!

DO NOT USE GDI, it slows down Yape like hell on any machie i've tried. It was running 50FPS even on a Celeron400, without GDI usage.
Runs smoothly on a Tualatin 1Ghz (at home), 240-280% on a 1.8Ghz P4 (at workplace) IF NOT USING GDI!. If i switch GDI on, itt will drop to 100% on the P4 machine!!!
Values are with normal sized (wide) border.

Posted By

on 2003-06-16
 Re: Vice 1.12 - Now supports CPLUS4 Emulation!

About the topic, Vice. It is nice, but seems to crash on fastloaders and the cycle-exact raster emulation is not present at all happy Lots of work needed until it will run as well as Yape. But i'm optimistic, as C64 is emulated _extremely exactly_ by winVice.

Posted By

on 2003-06-16
 Re: Vice 1.12 - Now supports CPLUS4 Emulation!

Ok, I disable GDI and see what happens.

And ill fix the colours up too.

One thing I hope that get added in Vice CPLUS is SID Emulation.
As you know games like DUOTRIS uses clever SID Emulation or sort of, sounding like a C64.

Posted By

on 2003-06-16
 Re: Vice 1.12 - Now supports CPLUS4 Emulation!

Lenoardo, also drop your screen size to 640x480 if you can, it should help a little bit more. And it's also a neat trick to make Yape look bigger wink

Posted By

on 2003-06-16
 Re: About 640x480 resolution.

I normally use 1074x768 Hi-color desktop resolution but yeah i can't go right down to 640x480 if I need too.

Which would be faster, 256 colors, Hi-Color, or True-Color :| ?

Posted By

on 2003-06-16
 Re: Vice 1.12 - Now supports CPLUS4 Emulation!

256 will be fastest, the less colours the quicker it is to update the screen and less on the CPU. But for YAPE, 16bit or as you say Hi-Colour is best.

Posted By

on 2003-06-18
 Re: Vice 1.12 - Now supports CPLUS4 Emulation!

In my opinion recent hardware are working fastest using 32 bit screen modes.

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