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on 2021-09-12
 Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

MB Isometric LogoPlus/4 footprints sighted at Function 2021 party, with the codey-namic duo Larry and BSZ surprising the audience once more, with BA - The Stream, a looong PETSCII movie conversion of the famous "Bad Apple!!" animation, a techdemo of a new SD2IEC firmware that allows uploading custom code to the drive. They've been ranked 2nd in the Wild /Animation compo, congrats! Expect a video about it soon, meanwhile you can watch the live compo stream on Twitch here.

But nooow...people please stand up: Ivan Sarosacz aka Jeva/MB entered the Oldschool graphics compo reaching the 6th place. Yes, it's a Muffbusters comeback, one of the greatest Plus/4 groups of all time, after 30 (t-h-i-r-t-y!) years since the last release! ❤

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on 2021-09-12
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Jeva had a petscii animation too in the wild compo! happy Back from the future.

Posted By

on 2021-09-12
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Indeed, with that animation ending in "MB Coming in 2022"!

Time to get hyped?

Jeva's logo is absolutely top-notch, a straight 10 from me.

Posted By

on 2021-09-12
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Ati: yes, a short but coloured and pretty nice C64 PETSCII movie with music, but being into the Wild /ANimation compo it probably uses a non standard hardware again. You can watch it right after the Plus/4 animation on Twitch, follow the link we posted in the news.

The "MB Coming in 2022" ending? I've completely missed it, nice catch! grin

Posted By

on 2021-09-12
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Wow! So the SD2IEC is finally usable! grin Great! Nice Petscii movie (cool sound) and nice to see MB doing stuff, too!

Posted By

on 2021-09-13
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

I've been beta-testing the firmware for BSz and he told me that the main purpose of this development is to have SD2IEC support in Bitfire. But being BSz he never chooses the easy way. happy
So you can expect all future bitfire based products to have native 1541/1551/SD2IEC support.

Posted By

on 2021-09-13
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Wow this is crazy.. Would also be something for the C64 community, these guys are desperate exactly the same like the (at least) one plus4 guy that is/was desperate big time about the sd2iec in the past.. On plus/4 there is your (@siz) IoLib which already does a good job, btw, the c64 scene is a bit more desperate judging from threads around the internet about that topic.. But nice move of @BSZ, awesome to hear about that. Seems to be something like a final fix for a much bigger problem in the 8-bit scene. (Funny thing will be demos reaching in from Resource and the others running equally on the sd2iec, maybe that was the purpose for that one.. happy Big ups for that one!)

ps: I also like the IoLib.. It was already a big help.. Just saying.. happy

Posted By

on 2021-09-13
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Hű... Mit is írhatok... happy

Egyrészt: végre egy offline parti! happy
Másrészt: végre egy Wild, ami nem csak az én gépemen fut! grin
Harmadrészt: köszönet a partiért, a lehetőségért, hogy bemutassuk, meg a közönségnek is óriási köszönet a szavazatokért! happy

Az SD2IEC-es téma szerintem majd megér egy új thread-et, így most erről sokat nem írnék. Annyit viszont igen, hogy innen is köszönöm Charlie-nak (az egyik parti-szervezőnek) a produkció után a magyarázatot a közönség felé, mert anélkül kevésbé lett volna tiszta, hogy mi is volt látható. Illetve köszönet Larry-nek, mert nem csak az animációt konvertálta, hanem a sok nyűglődésemet "meghallgatta" az SD2IEC fw faragása közben, és rengeteget tesztelte a félkész dolgokat. Illetve ezt a tesztelést Siz is csinálja, ő egy másik nagyon fontos módon is tesztel: használja a szokásos módon a módosított eszközt, és keresi az esetleges anomáliákat. happy

@Mad: I hope to have a release of the fw soon, with full documentation and sample codes.

 (no topic)

Wow... What could I write... happy

For the first: an off-line Party, at last! happy
For the second: a Wild, that runs not only on my machine, at last! grin
For the third: thanks for the Party, for the opportunity to present it and gigantic thanks for the audience for their votes! happy

The topic of SD2IEC will be worthy of a new thread, therefore I won't write about that much. However, I send my thank you to Charlie (one of the organizers) for the explanation to the audience after showing the product, because it would have been less clear without that what was shown. Also thanks to Larry not only for converting the animation, but for lending an ear to my fussing about while I was kneading the SD2IEC firmware and endlessly testing the work in progress versions. This testing is also done by Siz, who does it in another very important way: uses the modified device in every day's operations, looking for possible anomalies. happy

@Mad: I hope to have a release of the fw soon, with full documentation and sample codes.

Posted By

on 2021-09-14
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Big up BSZ, i think it's another milestone in the Plus/4 / C64 history! Congrats!

Posted By

on 2021-09-15
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Fantastic demo. I'm huge fan of Bad Apple incarnations happy
Is this SD2IEC firmware availableble yet?

Posted By

on 2021-09-15
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

@carrion: There are three binary versions of the firmware inside demo's archive.

Posted By

on 2021-09-15
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Plus, check BA - The Stream again, now we have an official video for it!

Posted By

on 2021-09-25
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Gratulálok a Demohoz! Nagyon szuper lett. Nem hittem, hogy ezt ki lehet hozni 64 kilobájtból. Üdvözlettel MOUSE

 (no topic)

Congratulations to the demo. Superb. I wouldn't have believed this could be done with 64 kilobytes only. Best Regards, MOUSE.

Posted By

on 2021-09-25
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Was that the Mouse, member of Animals? And no, it wasn't done in 64 kB. It is a "videostream" from an SD2IEC.

 (no topic)

Ez Mouse volt az Animals-ból? És nem, nem lehetett kihozni 64 kilobájtból. Egy egy videó egy SD2IEC-ről lejátszva.

Posted By

on 2021-09-25
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Yes, he was (is).

Posted By

on 2021-09-26
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Awesome! Congrats rollup

Posted By

on 2021-09-26
 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Thanks to all!

@Mouse: Ahogy írták, ez azért a 64K-tól messze van, 2.8MBYTE a végigtöltött adathalmaz.

Az SD2IEC FW lassan tényleg kiadásra kész formába kerül, csak most egy kicsit kártyáztam. happy

 Re: Function 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 1991

Thanks to all!

@Mouse: As others have written, this is far from 64K, the total loaded data is 2.8MB.

The SD2IEC FW is slowly getting ready for release, but I was dealing with the SID cards for a while. happy

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