| Posted By
Csabo on 2021-05-28 13:21:54
| We received a bunch of stuff from...
We received a bunch of stuff from Lacus to grow our collection, read on if you're interested.
Posted By
Csabo on 2021-05-28 13:21:54
| Re: We received a bunch of stuff from...
Quite a big pack of covers, cassette photos... and some new never-before-seen programs too!
* Betűrömi, Fizikai Összefüggések, Középpontos Tükrözés, Magyarország, Teljes Hasonulás, Thálesz-Tétel: these now has a full size cover scans and cassette photos
* Basic Tanfolyam: never before seen educational title; more info is needed. May be the most parts in a multi-loader?
* Fektesd Le has been found Another Puhasoft game!
* Flipper: HQ cover scan
* Helyesírási Totó (Vorker): a new educational game
* Mértani Hely: cassette photo
* On Ona Ono: we had these as three separate programs, but turns out there were 4, and it's all one release. (They couldn't get that title right though...)
* Parketta: cassette photo and TAP file
* Roll: new, blue label cassette photo
Big thanks to Lacus, enjoy!
Posted By
Luca on 2021-05-28 17:39:23
| Re: We received a bunch of stuff from...
Precious as ever, thank you Lacus!
Posted By
Ati on 2021-05-29 00:55:28
| Re: We received a bunch of stuff from...
Hohooo! This flipper was my first program. I love it. I have the original cassette somewhere.
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