| Posted By
 Nubian on 2021-05-10 02:50:44
| Commodore 16 disk games?
Hi All,
I am a newbie here and migrated over from Lemon64. I recently bought a Commodore 16 and I am wondering if there are any Disk games for the C16?
Any commercial releases or homebrews?
Or any utilities on Disk for the Commodore 16?
Posted By
 Csabo on 2021-05-10 07:49:16
| Re: Commodore 16 disk games?
Hey Dan,
The answer is "yes" to all of those. Check Summer Events for example, pretty high on our Top List, it's a commercial C16 classic which was released on both disk and cassette.
Are you specifically looking for games which require a disk drive (e.g. multi-loaders)?
Posted By
 GeTE on 2021-05-11 10:21:30
| Re: Commodore 16 disk games?
Well, when I got my C16 with Datasette on christmas 1985, a friend got an Atari 800XL with tape drive, too. Later in 1986 another friend got his C64C with Datasette and because we couldn't swap games, everyone of us was buying games on tape. That times the three different systems felt not that different.
In the later years the guys with C64 began to swap games on disk and more nd more games came up on disk on that system, but for the C16 you only could get tape games. Par example Mastertronic, who made really good small price products, never released on disk. Maybe they were pretending that a typical C64-user bought a 1541 but all the C16 and plus/4 ones, who got their system for a low price together with the datasette on the Aldi-sellouts, would never buy peripherie.
Therefore I tried to buy only software on disk but needed to do so via order and post delivery. I only found the Kingsoft "PLUSPAKET" ever in a store in the old days. But the qustion how many releases ever came on disk is interessting until today and therfore I startet a thread on Forum64. Normally, I am not afraid to "borrow" some pictures from elsewhere, but in this case it would be the whole thread with many pictures.
So, just follow this link and take a look. I think you can find really all disk-releases until today there: https://www.forum64.de/index.php?thread/86940-welche-kommerzielle-software-ist-auf-c16-und-plus-4-auf-diskette-erschienen-mit/&postID=1355799#post1355799
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