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on 2020-10-19
 DOS wedge

When I SAVE a BASIC program with the same name as a file already on the disk, it doesn't overwrite the file and doesn't report an error either. Is there a DOS wedge for the 264 series and does it have a command that would overwrite like I want it to?

Posted By

on 2020-10-20
 Re: DOS wedge

Is there a DOS wedge... Sort of. It is called COMMODORE BASIC V3.5. Read about disk commands somewhere like here: https://commodore.software/downloads/download/13752-commodore-basic-v3-5-manual. CBM DOS supports overwriting. IIRC the syntax is @:FILE_NAME must be used as a file name. I seem to remember that it has some implementation issue with most of the IEC drives. I think SVS' Ultimate Map has some information about that. Maybe.

Posted By

on 2020-10-20
 Re: DOS wedge

This seems to be a suggestion that "@:FILENAME" can cause file system corruption:


I remembered DIRECTORY but having SCRATCH, RENAME and DSAVE is cool. So with BASICv3.5:


..though this is still easier with the C64 wedge:


Sorry my bad, I still need to:


..which isn't all that much of an improvement after all.

Posted By

on 2020-10-20
 Re: DOS wedge

I suppose the C64 version you mention is JiffyDOS or some extension card, like Final Cartridge 3.
The native C64 BASIC 2.0 was WAY more complex than that, with OPEN and other complex commands.
Thanks God we had HEADER command happy

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on 2020-10-20
 Re: DOS wedge

I think unclouded was talking about smth like this: https://www.c64-wiki.com/wiki/DOS_Wedge, not JD or any cart.

Posted By

on 2020-10-21
 Re: DOS wedge

Two matters:
1) The IEC drives, used by the emulators, do rewrite the old file with the new file without problem (and without messages); both onto a PC folder or onto a D64 file image;
2) If you use the native "@filename" mode, be warned of the bug that many times afflicts the command (see Ultimate Map for more info).

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