Posted By
 Retroshire on 2020-07-07 08:33:31
| PCB for SID card Solder
Solder gives a scheme of his SID card on the Expansionport:
Can't anybody design a PCB/gerber you can buy at PCB ways? So I only have to buy the parts, the PCB and put it together by myself?
Posted By
 Chronos on 2020-07-08 06:42:56
 | Re: PCB for SID card Solder
I've own this card built by Solder anno. I love it, but it have a dull sound, so i recommend BSZ's one over it, because his card is much-much better, more advanced one! Aaand on the other hand you can order it from BSZ (please search through the forum!)
Posted By
 siz on 2020-07-07 15:32:23
| Re: PCB for SID card Solder
If someone creates a PCB design (and you send it to a manufacturer) will you able to program the GAL for it? (I mean do you have the equipment for that?) I wouldn't recommend creating a Solder SIDCard in 2020. The NST one BSZ created is a much better choice. It is currently under redesign in order to get rid of obsolete parts and to allow fitting it into a case. Those cards can be bought in batches and there is a topic here where interests can be registered. We used to compare Chronos' Solder SIDCard and my NST one and mine has a much clearer sound and it also has some additional cool features such as using C64 clock for sound and original C64 SID address to play SID music in some older converted games. But this is just my opinion. You decide. (But noone made a clone in the past 20-25 years so I wouldn't bet high stakes that you'll find someone for the job)
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2020-07-08 08:36:25
| Re: PCB for SID card Solder
The documentation Scala's SID card contains the PCB photo masks. It could be easier to make one yourself. IDK if the following link will work. Scala's SIDcard
Posted By
 Retroshire on 2020-07-15 07:33:22
| Re: PCB for SID card Solder
Thanks for reply's. So if I understand well, there are three different SID cart designs for 264 computers:
- Solder - NST (by BSZ) - Scala
The NST can be ordered, considered as best option for this moment The Scala version, is not bad and can be made with PCB design documents in zipfile.
Posted By
 Chronos on 2020-07-15 09:42:24
 | Re: PCB for SID card Solder
Posted By
 Frenetic on 2020-07-17 09:53:00
| Re: PCB for SID card Solder
If you consider the term "SID cart" a bit more flexible than this might be an option:
Hijacking this thread for a sneak preview of the new PCB
... playing a dual SID tune:
Posted By
 Retroshire on 2020-07-29 05:32:43
| Re: PCB for SID card Solder
Wow Frenetic, that is really cool. Like to build it. Already have two Rpi3's with Pi1541 running on it. I see two gerber files, v02 and v03. What is the difference, are both compatible with the C16/+4 addition?
Posted By
 Frenetic on 2020-07-30 09:06:01
| Re: PCB for SID card Solder
@Retroshire: both are compatible with the 264-adapter -- but I recommend to wait a few days, I'll put the v04 (or v041) Gerbers in the repository! v04 is the one you see in the sneak preview.
Make sure you use a RPi3 A+ or B+ then. (not without '+', it's a different SoC)
Posted By
 Retroshire on 2020-10-14 02:37:30
| Re: PCB for SID card Solder
SIDEKICK64 kit in production, just ordered it at PCBway. 
Frenetic: the PCB's are in the house. You did not discribe on the Github how to connect the adapter PCB with the Sidekick64. Did you do it with a C64 connector soldered at the adapter?