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on 2019-12-02
 Re: Assembly: fast plot and line algorithms for plus/4

As you may have guessed, i want to optimize (maybe rewrite) my 3D-engine in assembler.
My first step is to call the routine from BASIC and see the differences.
(Sidenote: I did already an optimization using Shellsort instead of Bubblesort with tremendous speedup for the next release)

@Csabo: I am at the stage, where i want to get something to work in assembler. I guess using charset will be faster and the code will be smaller, but do the same job in my engine. Or are there any severe differences for my case? I already learned much from your work and your tools.

@KiCHY Thank you. I spend many hours on this topic. Every beginning is frustrating. I will try it out this evening.

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