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Posted By

on 2019-11-11
 Fun Fact

We've just added the 100th release to the database this year. Last time we climbed above this figure was in the year of 1995.

Guess which was this 100th release? Unconventional stuff, indeed.

Posted By

on 2019-11-11
 Re: Fun Fact

It is really SOMETHING!

When I prepared a presentation for Ha!wangarda festival in 2016, I checked the number of releases per year.
There were some years, when only 1-5 releases were done in a year.
(At that time I played PC games only, too)

Seems we are at the golden age again. I will try to contribute at my minimalistic level too happy

We can't be thankful enough for our heroes who kept the fire burning at that silent and lone period too.

Posted By

on 2019-11-11
 Re: Fun Fact

An additional fun fact, but quite interesting, is this: all the retro scenes' releases profiles look the same. Of course, in the case of the C16/Plus4 scene, due to the limited overall number of releases per year, there was been a time when we barely touched the death of a scene, but we survived, and that particular slope can be seen absolutely similar even on a C64 statistics, or a ZX Spectrum, or a BBC and so on.

EDIT: actually, Kihalt Minden would have been the 100th release, but after the three adventure just released, the overall number of year's releases is 102, hence something has been changed and I dunno what...

Posted By

on 2019-11-12
 Re: Fun Fact

Rumor is that we'll top the 1995 before the end of the year.

Posted By

on 2019-11-13
 Re: Fun Fact

Additional fun fact about Kihalt Minden is that it uses more than 3 bits, so it is not just a traditional digi.

Posted By

on 2019-11-13
 Re: Fun Fact

Well, I thought we use 5 bit digis, but at least 4 happy

Posted By

on 2019-11-13
 Re: Fun Fact

Sorry, I meant to write 4bits. This is about 5.5bits, working with 46 levels.

Posted By

on 2019-11-14
 Re: Fun Fact

@Csabo: Hey, that's a staggering more than 30 releases to come. That'd be awesome. You really sure?

About digis: Could someone write up an article about the digi playback and levels in the knowledge base, please. It has quite a history and most probably there are people interested in this new 46 level implementation, too.

Posted By

on 2019-11-14
 Re: Fun Fact

Agreed. I would really like to see a 46 level digi table in the encyclopedia too.

Posted By

on 2019-11-14
 Re: Fun Fact

We already have TLC's experiments documented here.

Zsolt's measurements are very similar (or identical) I have sent his data in an XLS to Csabo last Sept. happy
Some of the 46 levels are very close to eachother unfortunately.

Posted By

on 2019-11-14
 Re: Fun Fact

Aaaah stupid I am! *I* myself reduced by one the 2019 dated releases, because Legyél Te Is Burzsuj! hasn't been released in Halloween as foreseen happy

Posted By

on 2019-11-14
 Re: Fun Fact

Thanks bubis. You are right, as I opened the link I've recognized that I've seen this one before. wink

Posted By

on 2019-11-16
 Re: Fun Fact

I did a little editing on the digital sound playing entry in the encyclopedia. Everyone is welcome to clean up my mess coming from my misunderstanding of the subject. grin

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