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Posted By

The Balrog
on 2019-10-24
 C16/Plus4 adventure conversions ...

Thanks for the new DAAD interpreter ... have just used it to convert FOUR games to the C16/Plus4 format.

Posted By

on 2019-10-24
 Re: C16/Plus4 adventure conversions ...

> have just used it to convert FOUR games to the C16/Plus4 format.
You're welcome. Which ones? Where can we find them?

Posted By

on 2019-10-24
 Re: C16/Plus4 adventure conversions ...

Hey there John Wilson of Zenobi Software!

I've just send you a tweet about your conversions, so I guess we're gonna get the four converted adventures from the Zenobi's Google Drive as usual, right? wink

Keep up the great work!

Posted By

on 2019-10-24
 Re: C16/Plus4 adventure conversions ...

I'm currently working on a title picture for your "ISS EMERGENCY" game happy

Posted By

on 2019-10-24
 Re: C16/Plus4 adventure conversions ...

Guys, you are really fast! We cannot solve them as fast as you make them, like in the good old days happy

Congrats for the game engine conversion and thank you for your efforts !

Posted By

The Balrog
on 2019-10-24
 Re: C16/Plus4 adventure conversions ...

I will upload the first four conversions just as soon as I can ... I promise ... and rest assured I will try my best to get as many of my games over to the new format as often as I can find the time.

Chronos ... sadly 'ISS Emergency' is not one of my games but good luck with the artwork.

Have never been near a Plus4 in my life and I am now 72 so have no idea how Plus4 loaders work ... do they autostart the same way that the C64 ones do?

If you want to do any conversions yourself I am more than happy to send you some game-files.

Posted By

on 2019-10-24
 Re: C16/Plus4 adventure conversions ...

okay, thanks for the info, i need to investigate who really made it grin so, because i'm working on conversions also, i waiting breathless to reveal your titles avoiding duplicates happy ..

Posted By

on 2019-10-27
 Re: C16/Plus4 adventure conversions ...

Hello Chronos... ISS Emergency is a game that I programmed for DAAD, from the original python game by John Whatson. I guess that John would probably be okay with a Plus/4 version being made.

I've produced quite a few DAAD conversions to C64 such as Nether Regions, a six-game Microfair Madness bundle, and other titles such as The Revenge of Moriarty. See... http://8bitag.com/games/

Posted By

on 2019-10-28
 Re: C16/Plus4 adventure conversions ...

oh, thanks for the info, so if you don't mind i will make a release soon grin

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